Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mark's Birthday

My husband, Mark, always went to Pancho's Mexican Buffet for his birthday when he was growing up. We continued the tradition after we got married, but a few years ago, they closed the Pancho's in Baton Rouge. This past year though, they re-opened one in Metairie (about an hour and a half away). We planned to take our girls there and let them experience Mexican food at it's finest. (That's semi-sarcastic as my opinion of Mexican buffet is not very high but Mark loves it so that's good enough for me.) Mark's brother Paul, his wife Brenda, their boys Justin & Timmy, and Mark's oldest friend DJ & his wife Shelly came too. Mark was so excited to celebrate his birthday with us all at his favorite bday spot! Afterward, Paul & Brenda took our girls home with them and Mark & I had a night in a nice hotel nearby. Now I love hotels...LOVE them! Cassie has picked this up from me because she thinks the greatest vacations in the world need to only be at a hotel...doesn't matter where. I just love lounging around, ordering room service and sleeping until I can't sleep anymore with my favorite person in the world...my hubby.

The next morning we went to see an IMAX movie, then walked around the French Quarter for awhile browsing art galleries. Mark is a big art buff. Me? I could really care less, but it made him happy so I stuck it out. Some of the galleries were actually interesting. The FQ still smelled like Mardi Gras though...you know that lovely combo of alcohol, urine and garbage? Guess the area needed more time to air out after the parades earlier last week. But we had fun anyway. I just love spending time with Mark. I wasn't feeling well and was getting in a bad mood so we went ahead and went to Paul & Brenda's to pick up the kids. They'd had a wonderful time with their Aunt B & Uncle Paul. In fact, they didn't want to leave! If something startled them, they'd run right past me and jump in Aunt B's lap. If I started to feel offended for a minute, it passed quickly as I realized that they'd just spend their first night away from home and me & Mark and had a great time!

Now I wonder if Nana will let them all stay overnight at her house next weekend?! Just a thought. Ha ha~!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aw, i'm glad they had fun at their aunt & uncle's! & Glad y'all got to have some one-on-one time!

P.S. I hate Pancho's! Blech! (don't tell mark! Lol!)