Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today is Getting to Know YOU Sunday. YAY! :)

1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
No, I'm not a fan of any facial hair. Ouch!

2. What's the last concert you've been to?
Concerts? Do they still have those? Maybe Third Day like 10 years ago...I'm not sure.

3. What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
Growing Pains or the Facts of Life

4. Were you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents just liked my name (as far as I know).

5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
It depends...if they're too wrinkled or I have time, I'll wash them. If they look ready to go, I normally don't. But now after reading Melissa's answer about spiders laying eggs in them, I might have to get anal about washing them all!

6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
I don't spend a whole lot of time blogging, so it wouldn't make too much extra time for me.

7. What is your favorite department store?
JCPenney's. They have great sales and send out good coupons. Plus I like several of their lines.

8. If you were to get laser hair removal, where would you get it?
Legs...I get so tired of shaving but I feel dirty if I don't. Aren't you glad you know that about me?!

Ok, so that's it! Your turn! :)

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