Monday, August 16, 2010

Start of School

School started today!!! Can you hear my enthusiam?! Don't get me wrong, most of the summer has been great. The girls were all big enough this year to help entertain each other and they played great together. But the last 2 or 3 weeks they have been at each other's throats, whining all day long and making me wish I was working outside the home for about 80 hours a week. So they were just as excited as me that school started today. : )

Mark brought Cassie to her first day of Kindergarten this morning. I didn't go because I stayed home with the babies and also because I thought it might go a little more smoothly without me (to whine to if desired...she doesn't whine to Daddy as much). Mark said she was super excited about school right up until the moment she sat at her desk, then the lip started quivering. I was glad I stayed home once I heard that. I've never considered myself one to cry on my child's first day of school but if SHE cried, then all bets would be off!

Cassie - the big kindergartener

I brought Hannah & Olivia when it was time for their school to start. Let me just say, I love their school. It's a mothers day out program with preschool too. We've been with them almost since they opened and I just love the people there. Plus I love that I can go to the grocery store by myself while the kids are there! : ) But anyway, we got there a little early (yay for me!) and there were only 3 other kids in their class at that point. All 3 were crying. Not just crying, mourning over the loss of their parents down the hallway, trying desperately to get the door open to chase after them, tears everywhere and little feet kicking in protest. And here come Hannah & Olivia, with no reaction at all except to notice "new" toys and forget that I'm even in the room. They did look at the crying children curiously as if they were wondering why they would cry in a room full of happiness (a.k.a. toys, puzzles & books they've never seen before). I doubt they noticed when I left. Oh well, that's a good problem to have I suppose. The other kids settled down and they all had a great day.

Hannah wasting no time

Olivia getting down to business

All in all, it was a great day...I even got a little nap! Yippee! I'm a little nervous about always having to have Cassie there on time since now she'll get in trouble if we're late. And it's another new routine to get used to, but I know they're all 3 going to have a great year. Cassie learned her first cheer today in PE class. "He-eyyy, Yo-oooo, listen up listen up listen up, Yo!" I can't tell you how hard I laughed at that one!

Have a great night!


Melissa said...

So glad you blogged about it! Was wanting to hear all about it! Glad it went well & that you got a nap!

Anonymous said...

glad it went well!!!! those are some precious girls!