Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saints in the Super Bowl?!?!?!

I must say, normally I don't care one iota about football. I mean, if I'm at someone's house and we're watching a game, I'll certainly root for the right team, but if they don't win, I really don't care. But today's Saints game was really the first outcome that I've cared about. Like I was nervous that they'd lose and I'd be sad. Funny huh? I'm still not a huge football fan or anything but I guess I'm starting to see the point of the craze behind the game. If I felt nervous, how do REAL fans feel? Anyway, this will probably be the first Super Bowl I'll really care about too. Now I can't wait!! Yay Saints!!!

We've had a great past few days. Mark & I took a trip to Shreveport together. He had a class he had to go to for work and I went along for the ride. Mom kept the girls so we had a little getaway. I know Shreveport certainly isn't the most romantic destination, but we had a WONDERFUL time! Friday while Mark went to his class, I slept in, watched a pay-per-view movie in bed then took the hotel shuttle to the nearby outlet mall. I spent most of the day there until Mark's class was done. I've never spent so much time by myself at a was great! I LOVE shopping! Then Mark & I went out to eat and walked around some. The area we were staying in was really pretty...I think it's called the Red River District. We both slept really late on Saturday morning and then drove home. So not very eventful but it was so wonderful to reconnect with my hubby. Sometimes it's like we only get to talk to each other about necessary logistics for the week with our schedules and kids competing for our attention. I loved being able to just be with Mark and spend uninterruped & unrushed time with him. He's my favorite!

Then today we had the Brumfields over for dinner and to watch the game. Our girls had a blast playing with their kids and Mark & I enjoyed having friends over. Alexis is such a sweetie and I'm really having fun getting to know her better. We're on the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) steering team together and she's such an inspiration to me. The more I learn about her, the more I'm encouraged by how real she is & her love of the Word. Although she'd probably be thoroughly embarrassed to see that she's being blogged about! At least there aren't any funny pictures, Alexis! : )

Cassie was upset until she fell asleep that the Brumfield kids had to go home. It's like anytime a friend comes over, she wants them to just move in. Ha ha! That's all for now...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Stealing

Okay I don't know how to "link up" that you're supposed to with these surveys so I'll just do them and maybe one day Melissa can teach me what I'm supposed to do. : )


Do you get regular massages?
I wish! Actually Mark got me a certificate for a spa day for Christmas, so I'll get a really good one when I schedule that. I hope I can break my day up into to mini spa days and really stretch it out.

Do you have an answering machine?
Yes, leave a message at the beep

What cuss word do you use the most?
Uuuuggggghhhh (imagine that being grunted in frustation). It's the worst I can do, kiddos are listening and copying.

Are you underweight or overweight?

Can you see your veins?


Any of the foaming kinds

bananas or pineapples

Kind of red meat?

catfish or tilapia

Candy bar?

Have You Ever…

Eaten a whole bag of potato chips?

Eaten lobster?
Yes, but I didn't like it.

Climbed a mountain?
some very small ones, big hills?

Been skydiving?
No, don't want to do that. But I'd love to go parasailing!

Been water skiing?
No, just tubing

Do You…

Wish you could change something about your life?
Who doesn't? My weight, grow deeper in God...of course I can do things about that and I'm working on it.

Like your nose?
I like my nose just fine thank you.

Like salt and vinegar chips?
No, yuck

Eat salsa?

Own a boat?

What Is…

A small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences?
texting while driving!!

Your most macho trait?
Macho? I have no idea. Maybe that I like to try to fix peoples' problems sometimes instead of just listening. I need to be a better listener.

The longest relationship you’ve ever had?
married almost 8 years to my hubby Mark, we were engaged for 9 months before that, and dated 9 months before that. Wow! We've been together a LONG time now.

Your most embarrassing thoughts?
If they're so embarrassing, why would I write them here?!

Your most shameful moment?
The one that comes to mind first is kind of different. It's not what I did do but what I didn't do. When my father-in-law was sick in the hospital and we knew he didn't have much time left, I really wanted to tell him how much I loved him and thank him for raising such a great family and including me in it. But I didn't want to say that out loud, like it would be saying goodbye. Or like I didn't believe he could get I'd be giving up on him. I didn't say it that day and the next morning he died. I never got to. I've felt really ashamed that I didn't just say what was in my heart while I had the chance.



crayons - no permanent marks


Jelly/Cream Cheese?
jelly on toast, cream cheese on a bagel

Ha ha, depends on my mood. Normally a bagel.


My greatest weakness is…
I'm always late! I don't normally make new years resolutions, but this year mine is to be a good example to my kids by being punctual. Maybe by making it about my kids, I'll be more motivated. I've been doing better!

I wish I was…
a better listener

Three things I wouldn’t do for a million dollars are…
Oh man, I just said this about something the other day and I can't remember what it was...

The oddest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth is…
Fried cricket...yes it was weird, yes I could feel the legs in my mouth as I chewed, yes it was gross but it was offered by my host on a mission trip. I couldn't say no.


Credit card you had?
A visa with my credit union...still have it!

Loan you got was for?
My first car - Honda Civic...still have that too.

Paycheck was for how much?
No idea, but I was working for aftercare for a daycare center so I'm sure it was very small.

Time you had stitches?
First and only time was when I had my C-section with the twins

Time you went to the hospital for something?
I don't know as a little kid, but I went as a teenager after a mission trip with salmonella...not fun. And no, it was not the same trip as the cricket!


List everything you ate in the last 24 hours?
chilli, king cake, cereal, milk, oranges, etc...

Last thing you used a credit card for?
clothes shopping with my hubby yesterday - we pay it off each month

What was your job previous to the one you have now?
Director of Finance at Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs, sounds more impressive than it is

Last thing you celebrated?
Date day! Yesterday a family friend (Ms. Edye) came and stayed with the kids so Mark & I could go spend time together. We called it "Date Day". We went to the shooting range (Mark got a new handgun and wanted to teach me how to use it), then we ate at McAlisters (yum), then we went to a movie (The Spy Next Door - sooo cute!), then we went shopping for a while. What a great Date Day!!

Last time you were at a sports bar?
Don't know that I've ever been to one.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bible Study

Okay, so we have this ladies Bible study at our church that meets on Thursday mornings. I've never gone to it because I was already so busy with my life and I've gotten pretty good at saying no to extra stuff in my family's schedule. But this latest study that started yesterday...for some reason I just felt like I should go. I've felt like I couldn't because I only have Tuesdays and Thursdays when Cassie is at school and I can give the babies my full attention without competing with big sister. (They're all in school, or mother's day out, on MWF's.) But this time I wanted to go. I'm just so starved to get into the Word again. It's so hard to motivate myself to do much more than a 5 minute devotional on my own and I can't even remember what that was about an hour later. I need focus. I need accountability. And for some reason that didn't hit me until Wednesday night. A friend, Jennifer, had called and invited me and that got me thinking.

I was afriad too. That if I started going to the Bible study that I'd feel like I had to keep going forever. I've had church experiences before that expected that and I guess my fear is a remnant of that too. I fought myself going Thursday morning until I was in my car with the babies on my way to the study. I would think, "I could just keep driving and go walk the mall with the kids for awhile" but then my car took me in the direction of the church. This was so out of my comfort zone...maybe because there are so many ladies at this study that I don't know, most of whom are older and I just wasn't sure I'd fit in. Maybe because I was scared of taking on another commitment or not spending that time with the twins. But then it hit me that it's better for my girls to have a mom spending quality time in the Word on a regular basis and being that example for them, than it is to spend a couple more hours playing with them. Not that the playing isn't important, but I need to be the best Mom I can be and that's what's really best for them, right?

So I don't know if I'll be going to this study long-term or not, but I've gotta give it a shot. I want to grow deeper in my walk with Jesus. I need to fill up so I can pour out. Thanks, Jennifer, for inviting me. It was so sweet of you and made a big difference to me. Plus when I got there, I felt so welcomed and I think I'm gonna really like it.

Okay, I'm in...

I figured I'd try one of these Five Question Fridays, for lack of anything else to blog. : )

1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Probably the biggest thing I ever got into trouble for was staying out WAY past my curfew with a boy. Nothing happened, we honestly were just talking. But when I got home I got the wrath of my mom that I didn't know existed! I was probably grounded for a year after that.

2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I used to be a morning person in college. Just ask my BFF Melissa...we used to be roomies and share a bathroom. She'd get up and grunt and I'd be happily telling a story about the day before or something. She was very kind to only grunt at me until I got the picture and merely started saying Good Morning.

Now I'm more of a night person. After our girls are in bed, that's my time. To spend time with my hubby or get stuff done around the house...projects that just can't be done with 3 little girls battling for my attention. Of course that makes me less lovable in the morning but I'm working on a balance.

3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
One handed. I'm not a very good texter. I'd rather just make a phone call and get my questions answered. It takes less time for me. But I do text occasionally.

4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
Republican on the conservative side.

5. Are you a pet person?
No and that's a solid no. : ) I used to have pets growing up...dogs, cats, even rabbits and I loved them. But I have bad animal allergies and once they all moved to that big farm in the sky and I got used to not having pets around, my allergies got so much better! When I'm around animals now (espicially cats) my allergies act up so bad. Which is a shame because I really love cats...they're low maintenance but still loving. Plus I have a husband, 3 kiddos, and a house to take care of. I can't handle a pet too right now. I've resigned myself to the idea of having one some day when the kids are bigger. Mark really wants one and I'm sure the girls will too one day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I've always thought that people who didn't have their pipes wrapped correctly and got burst pipes just didn't care about their property. Well, apparently we're those people. We thought they were wrapped well, but it looks like it wasn't enough.

When we woke up this morning we had no water. Mark looked around outside and everything looked fine. We called the water company and they said it was an area outage and the water would be back on in a few hours. Well, we decided to spend the day shopping as a family and when we got home at about 4pm, we saw a fountain springing up from the side of our house! Our poorly wrapped pipe lost the battle to the cold. I guess when they turned the water back on the damage was then obvious. And here it was, Saturday evening. NOW we need a plumber...not the best time. We got on the phone and all the plumbers were busy fixing people's pipes that had given up too. :( I kept calling people and finally found a plumber! Yay! He's Jacob at Jacob's Plumbing...great guy. I happened to catch him at the end of his last call of the day and he came right over and fixed it quickly. We highly recommend him. :)

On another note, my favorite moment of the day came when I was putting the twins to bed tonight. We always say bedtime prayers with all 3 girls in the babies' room with me & Mark. Then I read to the babies and Mark takes Cassie in her room and reads to her, then it's lights out. Tonight after reading and turning off the lights, I just rocked the babies for awhile. We sang a couple of songs and then they both laid their heads on my shoulders (believe me, they're a lap-full now). I was telling them that I loved them and then I asked Hannah if she loves Olivia. She sat up and leaned over and kissed Olivia on the cheek. Then Livy did the same back to Hannah, then they kissed each other at the same time. It was sooooo cute! I could just eat them up!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ice Skating

Today when I picked Cassie up from school (she's in K-4 at Greenwell Springs Baptist), I was trying to explain to her why there isn't going to be school tomorrow. I told her it was going to be super cold tonight and the roads might ice over. Of course she just asked what "iced over" was. I told her the ice makes the roads slippery and cars could slide around and get in wrecks and we don't want that. Her response was "Well, I guess we'll just have to skate to school tomorrow. Too bad I don't know how to skate." That was really hard not to laugh at out loud!

Look at me! I'm blogging!

I figured it was about time I started blogging. So many of my friends are doing this now and sometimes I'd like to share what's going on in my life too. : ) Yes, it's the middle of the night. Yes, I'm tired. But I've been wanting to do this and the night time is my time, ya know? Anyway, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy it.