Thursday, March 18, 2010

We've got WHAT?!

Well, so much for being healthy again. Cassie, Olivia & I all have the flu. Great, right? This is the first year in forever that I've gotten a flu shot. So did our girls. Mark didn't. Guess who isn't guessed it...Mark. Hannah hasn't been sick either but their pediatrician wasn't too positive about her not getting it too since they're so close all the time. We caught Olivia's in time for Tamiflu to help and we're giving it to Hannah too to hopefully keep her from getting it (I didn't know you could do that). But mine and Cassie's flu was too far into it for the medicine. So Cassie & I are on the tail end of ours and hopefully Olivia's will be very short and Hannah & Mark will avoid it altogether.

Here's my recount of another lovely week...
Last Friday - Cassie started having a cough, no big deal. That night she had a fever.

Weekend - had to stay home with Cassie since she had a fever...had a mommy/daughter night that I wrote about before

Monday - I was soooo tired Monday. I felt okay but had a really hard time keeping my eyes open. By that night I was running fever too.

Tuesday - I don't remember hurting that much since my c-section (which is a totally different blog that I won't bore you with). Everything ached. Even my fingers and toes. Medicine helped for a few minutes between rounds. Horrible day. I didn't stay vertical for more than a few seconds that day. My wonderfully awesome husband stayed home from work and took care of the kiddos while I hid in the bed. He's the greatest.

Wendesday - Doctor day. I went to the doc for me first and they did a flu test and said I didn't have the flu. But then I took Cassie & Olivia to their doc and their tests were positive. She told me that I most likely had the flu too since we all had the same symptoms and those tests can be wrong fairly often. Armed with meds, we head home. By the time we get home (Mark has picked Hannah up from school) and I'm so tired, all I can do is crash.

Thursday - today I've felt a lot better. My cough is improving and I don't think I've run fever today. The girls all seem much better today too. It was hard with Mark back at work but I made it to nap time and crashed with the girls. Mark came home early and was home by the time we woke up. What a life saver! Maybe by tomorrow we'll all be fever free!! Please Lord!!

I just really want to point out that my husband Mark has been so amazing during these sicknesses lately. I mean, he's always helpful with the girls and with things around the house when I ask him. He's wonderful about letting me go out with my girlfriends too. But lately he's been extra awesome! I know it's been really hard for him to take off of work when he's not sick to take care of a sick household...knowing all the work that's piling up for him at the office. But he's been so patient with us all. Bringing us our medicines, keeping the kids quiet so I can sleep, comforting them when their fevers go up. Every now and then, I get a glimpse of him loving on our girls and it reminds me of the day after Cassie was born. We were at the hospital and he was holding Cassie while I was sleeping. He'd fallen asleep with her cuddled up on his chest. My heart was so full that day. Not only had I gained a daughter, but I'd gained a whole new part of my husband that I'd never known was there. I fell in love with him all over again that day. This week has reminded me of that. Stuff happens, kids get sick, cats pee in your car, but at the end of the day the one person I want to be with every night is Mark. It's weeks like this that remind me he's always got my back. I hope he knows I've got his back too. : )

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rest in Peace Bro. Joey

I found out this evening that a dear family friend, Bro. Joey Winters died today. He was a wonderful man of God. His music will always be a part of us. Mark grew up under his leadership in worship and music classes at school. I knew him since my teens from youth camps and friendships made with Faith Church people. I walked down the aisle to his beautiful melodies and sang with him later at Mark's mother's funeral. He was the type of man who touches your life forever...his impression is always there. So much like the music he lived for impressed on all who heard that he was playing for the glory of the Lord, not just for himself. To gain encouragement from him made you feel so special and talented. He was always smiling, always stylin'! We'll miss you, Bro. Joey.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mommy/Daughter Night

Last night Cassie & I had a mommy/daughter night...just the two of us. We were supposed to all go over to my mom's for dinner and for Mark to help my brother Micah do something on his truck. But Richard's been sick and can't be exposed to anything else and Cassie was still running fever. So she & I stayed behind. We went to eat at Chilis and then went to Target to buy a new movie. We got Madagascar Esape 2 Africa. I must say, I LOVE the Madagascar movies. "I like to move it move it" along with my kids and it's just one of the few that I don't mind sitting down and watching the whole thing. We also got ice cream and pop corn. So we loaded up the pillows on our bed and popped the movie into the laptop and went to town! Cassie stayed up until midnight...I'm not sure if she's ever been up that late! But she & I had so much fun together. We both needed that. The babies spent the night at Nana & Papa's house for the first time so she really had me all to herself. Hannah & Olivia also had a blast with Nana/Papa time without big sis. Plus Mark got to do man stuff with a truck and eat a big dinner so he was happy too. A great night considering we were all in different directions.

Cassie's still running fever and her cough is getting worse...she's starting to sound hoarse, poor baby. I really hope she's better tomorrow. I just hate when my kids are sick! It's such an aweful feeling. I read somewhere that parents should not get in their kids' faces when the kids are sick to protect themselves from getting sick. But I don't know how I could possibly restrain myself from cuddling even closer when they're sick. I'll risk the sickness to know that they feel comforted. Especially if they're really sick. But H & O are okay this go-round. Hopefully they won't catch whatever Cassie has. I'm praying!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Goodness Gracious!

So it's 1:30am and here I am. Cassie (my 4 year old) is up with a cough and a fever. I should have known...she was calm yesterday, wanting to lay on the couch and watch movies. I was enjoying the cuddle time but maybe I should have seen this coming. Bummer. I gave her some medicine and hopefully she'll get some sleep. Poor baby.

On a brighter note, my floors are clean! Maybe this isn't news to you or a big deal at your house, but here...unless the mess on the floor has overflowed from the dining room to the rest of the house, I just don't think about it. 3 years ago, I would have had a panic attack about how gross my floors can get but not anymore. No, now I have 3 kids and no time to think about it. Ha ha! But yesterday enough was enough. Yes, even I have my breaking point. My floors haven't been cleaner in a long time and I LOVE walking on my clean floors. I have to relish this because tomorrow there will be another spill or goldfish gone MIA that I won't discover until next week, so today I'm going to glory in my shiny clean floors.

I promise I'm not house is just about always clean to the naked eye. The floors are just my last priority...well, right after the dusting. : )

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Last Few Weeks

I haven't posted anything in a while. That's because my life is crazy. When I say crazy, I mean nuts! Here's a play by play of the last couple of weeks in the world of the Steudlein crew...

Monday - Olivia's sick at the end of the school day...throws up in her carseat on the way home

Monday afternoon - I clean the carseat while in the van and leave the door open for it to air out and close the door late that night

Tuesday evening - I hadn't used the van all day and Mark asks me when he gets home from work if I realize a cat is living in our van now. (We don't own a cat!)

Wednesday morning - Go to get in the van to take the other kids to school and realize that stupid cat peed in our van (specifically in Olivia's seat) reeks!!!

Wednesday cont. - take the kids to school (no kid is sitting in the peepee seat - Cassie's just in a regular belt which I hate because I'm a stickler for carseats). I can't get the seat out because it's in so tight. Have to go to Mark's work to get him to take it out. Put Olivia in another seat and take the car to have it detailed. $65 and hours later, the van smells nice again! Of course I'm one carseat short now.

Thursday - Mark goes on a fishing trip with the men's group at church. That night of course Hannah wakes up throwing up. After scrubbing down her room, and then my room (because I thought it would be so smart to bring her in there - remember I'm running low on sleep!) and several loads of laundry, we finally get to sleep.

Friday - Cassie is sent home from school sick. Now I'm home with all 3 sick kids and feel like I'm coming down with it myself. Great. (that was meant to be sarcastic). By late afternoon, I was having to call Mark to come home and help us. My mom was sick with it too at that point and couldn't help. Of course I couldn't reach Mark on his cell so I have to call my friend Julie and get her to call her husband to get Mark to call me. His cell was off because the battery was low. He came home late that night and took really good care of us all the next day.

Saturday - I sleep most of that day. The kids were better by then but I was zonked out!

Sunday - Still sick - Mark puts the floor mats back in the van and we realize they're peed on too. Lovely. Now it's $150 for new floor mats and another $140 for a new car seat...there's no way I'm ever putting my child in the peepee seat ever again!

Monday thru Wednesday - Still have one or more kids home from school running a little fever. Good thing I don't have much of an appetite because I haven't been to the grocery store in over a week and a half.

Wednesday afternoon - We have a bad storm in our area. It ends up being mostly wind but where our house is on the neighborhood lake, it seems like our backyard is a vortex pulling things in and letting them go when it feels like it. Our BACK yard patio umbrella decides to get caught in it (it's open) and I don't realize anything's wrong until I see our umbrella blowing across our FRONT yard like a bullet past our dining room window! I run after it and it takes me like 10 minutes to pull it back to our back yard. I can't get it to close and I have to stand inside it to keep it from blowing away again. I got it under our carport and came inside to call Mark. Shingles were falling from our roof at that point and I wanted him to come home. (My poor husband...he's so patient with me when I'm needy!) While on the phone with him I see the dumb umbrella taking off again this time down the driveway. I ran and caught it in the middle of the street. It knocked me down this time but I finally wrangled it into a wedge between a big sago palm and our fence. It was stuck there until the weather passed and Mark took care of it. Needless to say, we'll need a new umbrella for this spring.

Thursday - it finally looks like we're all well. Cassie has a friend named Kaylee over for a little while after school. Kaylee threw up all that night. I hope Kaylee's mom still likes me!

Friday - This is the first day in 2 weeks that all 3 girls are in school and none are sick!!! Yay!!! I ran a thousand errands and bought lots of groceries.

Now, life's pretty normal again. Still crazy busy but at least we're all healthy and rearing to go!

I'll write more later...the natives are getting resless in the other room. : )

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
an hour or 2 each day...between bookkeeping, keeping up with our finances, checking email, etc.

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
Still not sure. My dad paid for mine but it wouldn't have killed me to pay myself. We paid for Mark's as he went until grad school. I want our kids to be responsible but don't want them dragged down by debt before they get started in life. I'll get back to you on this one in 13 years or so. : )

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Nothing bad. A few fender benders, but never anything serious. Thanks God! I've been rear ended twice lately with the kids in the van and that was very scary. More so than I even thought it would. There'd be no damage but I'd be so rattled, worried about them.

4. What is your favorite book?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. My friend Melissa has always told me about this one and I'd never read it until recently. OMG, I know why she loves it now! It was soooo good.

5. Do you make your bed everyday?
Our bed has 2 stages of being made. We have a sheet, quilt, and then comforter. Most days I just make up the sheet and quilt. I only do the comforter and thousand pillows if we're having company's just too much work for just us. : )

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