Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mommy/Daughter Night

Last night Cassie & I had a mommy/daughter night...just the two of us. We were supposed to all go over to my mom's for dinner and for Mark to help my brother Micah do something on his truck. But Richard's been sick and can't be exposed to anything else and Cassie was still running fever. So she & I stayed behind. We went to eat at Chilis and then went to Target to buy a new movie. We got Madagascar Esape 2 Africa. I must say, I LOVE the Madagascar movies. "I like to move it move it" along with my kids and it's just one of the few that I don't mind sitting down and watching the whole thing. We also got ice cream and pop corn. So we loaded up the pillows on our bed and popped the movie into the laptop and went to town! Cassie stayed up until midnight...I'm not sure if she's ever been up that late! But she & I had so much fun together. We both needed that. The babies spent the night at Nana & Papa's house for the first time so she really had me all to herself. Hannah & Olivia also had a blast with Nana/Papa time without big sis. Plus Mark got to do man stuff with a truck and eat a big dinner so he was happy too. A great night considering we were all in different directions.

Cassie's still running fever and her cough is getting worse...she's starting to sound hoarse, poor baby. I really hope she's better tomorrow. I just hate when my kids are sick! It's such an aweful feeling. I read somewhere that parents should not get in their kids' faces when the kids are sick to protect themselves from getting sick. But I don't know how I could possibly restrain myself from cuddling even closer when they're sick. I'll risk the sickness to know that they feel comforted. Especially if they're really sick. But H & O are okay this go-round. Hopefully they won't catch whatever Cassie has. I'm praying!!!

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