Monday, March 15, 2010

Rest in Peace Bro. Joey

I found out this evening that a dear family friend, Bro. Joey Winters died today. He was a wonderful man of God. His music will always be a part of us. Mark grew up under his leadership in worship and music classes at school. I knew him since my teens from youth camps and friendships made with Faith Church people. I walked down the aisle to his beautiful melodies and sang with him later at Mark's mother's funeral. He was the type of man who touches your life forever...his impression is always there. So much like the music he lived for impressed on all who heard that he was playing for the glory of the Lord, not just for himself. To gain encouragement from him made you feel so special and talented. He was always smiling, always stylin'! We'll miss you, Bro. Joey.


Melissa said...

Aw, i remember him. Love him! He is definitely singing & rejoicing w/ Jesus now! :) What happened, was he sick?

Hi, I'm Sarah. said...

from what I understand, he was walking his dog and had a massive heart attack.