Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ta Da!!!

We have a clip, people! It came out today and didn't seem to bother Olivia at all. I'm so thankful! Now we can stop thinking about it. Plus sorting through poop is not my idea of a good time. Thank you Lord for happy, healthy tummies!


nanabarbara said...


Unknown said...

OMG, I know I'm commenting on an old post, but THANK YOU for posting about this. We just got back from an identical x-ray for my 3-year-old and I've been freaking because it's been three days and it hasn't passed yet. Your post gave me a little hope :-)

Taiyi said...

Hi, I'm the same as the mum above. My 15M did the same thing and wonder if your daughter passed it? I know I'm also commenting on an old post but still hoping you could help if you see this.
Many thanks