Friday, March 12, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
an hour or 2 each day...between bookkeeping, keeping up with our finances, checking email, etc.

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
Still not sure. My dad paid for mine but it wouldn't have killed me to pay myself. We paid for Mark's as he went until grad school. I want our kids to be responsible but don't want them dragged down by debt before they get started in life. I'll get back to you on this one in 13 years or so. : )

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Nothing bad. A few fender benders, but never anything serious. Thanks God! I've been rear ended twice lately with the kids in the van and that was very scary. More so than I even thought it would. There'd be no damage but I'd be so rattled, worried about them.

4. What is your favorite book?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. My friend Melissa has always told me about this one and I'd never read it until recently. OMG, I know why she loves it now! It was soooo good.

5. Do you make your bed everyday?
Our bed has 2 stages of being made. We have a sheet, quilt, and then comforter. Most days I just make up the sheet and quilt. I only do the comforter and thousand pillows if we're having company's just too much work for just us. : )

MckLinky Blog Hop

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I didn't realize you just now read Redeeming Love!!!?! So good, huh!? Glad you loved it!