Okay, so it's been nearly 2 months since my last post. Yes, I am a slacker, but honestly it's not like a have a huge following, so I know you've all been surviving without me. : )
Our latest big news is that we're getting a puppy soon! He's 4 weeks now (in the pic) and we'll be getting him before Christmas. He's a miniature schnauzer and I can't wait to get him!
Mark has named him Tiberius Atellus Maximus. It means something that he thinks is cool. I don't care as long as we can just call him Max. : ) He is such a cutie! I'm nervous though. I've never had a pet of my own. I mean, growing up we always had pets but let's be honest...I never had to be responsible for them! I sure wasn't the one doing the housetraining, keeping them fed or taking them out at night. I just played with them when I felt like it...typical kid. : ) So I'm under no dillusions that my family will be different. I understand that Mark & I will be the responsible ones (read as...I will be the responsible one since Mark is at work most every day). And I'm okay with this. Mark's been wanting a dog forever and I've just now gotten to the point where I'm wanting one too. The girls are excited and carry pictures of the puppy around but I'm not sure if the little ones really understand that we're getting a puppy. I know Cassie does and she's ecstatic!
Hannah & Olivia just made 3 this week. Can you believe that?!
They had a Dora the Explorer party last weekend and it was lots of fun. The girls were so excited about their party. Now they think every party is for them. : )
Is it sad that I listed our puppy news ahead of my kids' birthdays? : )
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
You're it!
My bff Melissa @ Little Mrs. Married tagged me in her blog so I'm actually responding promptly! Yay me!
1. What is your favorite color?
lately, purple
2. Are you afraid to die?
When I'm 100 and old and lived my life fully, then no. Right now, I don't want to die at all. Not that anyone really WANTS to, I'm not afraid of where I'll end up. I'm a Christian so I know I'll be in Heaven and it will be incredible. But for now, I AM scared of pain. No thank you.
3. If you could trade in one of your talents for another talent - which talent would you want to have & which talent would you be willing to give up? (I stole this from Stealing Sunday.)
This is a really hard question. I mean, I like the talents I have. I'd love to be able to play more instruments proficiently, be more creative, be great at sports...but I wouldn't want to give up singing or being organized or that stuff. So I'm going to plead the 5th and stick with what I've got, k? : )
4. Puzzle, cards, or board games? If you picked cards or board game, what are your favorites?
5. Have you ever volunteered? If so, what for?
Yes, youth group for about 10 years, youth worship team for about 7 years, other worship teams for about 5 years, nursery at church with my kids as needed, volunteering at my kids schools when needed, helping friends when they're in a bind, etc. I LOVE to volunteer! It's so much for fun than regular working.
6. What are your pet peeves?
When people cut in line in the drive thru at restaurants instead of driving around and getting in line with everyone else. It makes my blood pressure rise!
7. What is your favorite family tradition?
We don't have many real traditions...I love going to my Mom's house on Christmas Eve and then spending Christmas morning at home with the kids and that afternoon in Slidell with Mark's family. I like that routine. We do an advent calendar with the kids...that's fun. I can't really think of anything else right now. Oh, I love decorating for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving.
8. If everyone was going to give you a gift card for Christmas this year... where would you most want your gift cards to be from? Top three places.
Hobby Lobby, JCPenny's, Target
1. What is your favorite color?
lately, purple
2. Are you afraid to die?
When I'm 100 and old and lived my life fully, then no. Right now, I don't want to die at all. Not that anyone really WANTS to, I'm not afraid of where I'll end up. I'm a Christian so I know I'll be in Heaven and it will be incredible. But for now, I AM scared of pain. No thank you.
3. If you could trade in one of your talents for another talent - which talent would you want to have & which talent would you be willing to give up? (I stole this from Stealing Sunday.)
This is a really hard question. I mean, I like the talents I have. I'd love to be able to play more instruments proficiently, be more creative, be great at sports...but I wouldn't want to give up singing or being organized or that stuff. So I'm going to plead the 5th and stick with what I've got, k? : )
4. Puzzle, cards, or board games? If you picked cards or board game, what are your favorites?
5. Have you ever volunteered? If so, what for?
Yes, youth group for about 10 years, youth worship team for about 7 years, other worship teams for about 5 years, nursery at church with my kids as needed, volunteering at my kids schools when needed, helping friends when they're in a bind, etc. I LOVE to volunteer! It's so much for fun than regular working.
6. What are your pet peeves?
When people cut in line in the drive thru at restaurants instead of driving around and getting in line with everyone else. It makes my blood pressure rise!
7. What is your favorite family tradition?
We don't have many real traditions...I love going to my Mom's house on Christmas Eve and then spending Christmas morning at home with the kids and that afternoon in Slidell with Mark's family. I like that routine. We do an advent calendar with the kids...that's fun. I can't really think of anything else right now. Oh, I love decorating for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving.
8. If everyone was going to give you a gift card for Christmas this year... where would you most want your gift cards to be from? Top three places.
Hobby Lobby, JCPenny's, Target
Friday, September 17, 2010
Five Question Friday
1. What is the first nightmare you remember?
I remember dreaming that all my toys came to life...and not in a fun, let's play, sort of way.
2. Even if you're not a sports fan, what is your favorite sport to watch/play?
I'll watch football if it's on and the game is good. I prefer playing volleyball or softball.
3. If you could pull off one piece of trendy fashion, what would it be?
skinny jeans. They totally don't work on me now though...maybe one day!
4. Did you make good grades in school?
Yes. School came pretty naturally to me. Thank GOD! I never did well or liked any of my science classes though. I always had a difficult time taking timed tests. Other than that, thankfully, school was pretty easy for me.
5. What magazines do you subscribe to?
People, Lucky, and Redbook. We had some frequent flier miles and were no where NEAR getting a free flight and they were going to expire. So I cashed some in on free magazine subscriptions. The Redbook should have stopped coming months ago but it's still coming. But People is by far my favorite. I like magazines becuase they're easier to read than books. I LOVE reading books, but with little kids and lots of time in the carpool lane, magazines just work better. I don't have to concentrate as hard.
Ok...your turn!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Ta Da!!!
We have a clip, people! It came out today and didn't seem to bother Olivia at all. I'm so thankful! Now we can stop thinking about it. Plus sorting through poop is not my idea of a good time. Thank you Lord for happy, healthy tummies!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Whew! What a Morning!
So this morning I was in our van taking Hannah & Olivia to school. Cassie was already at her school. We weren't even out of our neighborhood yet when Olivia started choking. It sounded more serious than a normal little choke/cough, so I pulled over and got out (in the pouring rain, no less) to check on her. After some serious stress over the choking, she stopped. I asked her what was wrong, she pointed inside her mouth and said "hair clip". I was like "What? Where's your hair clip?" since it was no longer in her hair. She said "In my mouth". I asked her if she swallowed it and she said yes.
So what does one do when your 2 year old child swallows a 2-inch piece of metal?! Do I call the doctor? Drive to the hospital? Call my mom!? Olivia is behind me in her car seat crying and holding her chest. She is my child that can have a double ear infection that's horribly aweful and never complain. She has a high pain tollerance, so her crying scared me. I called the pediatrician and they told me to come in. We drove straight there. Of course it was pouring down rain and I'm trying to drive carefully but quickly. We finally got there and they said she seemed fine but wanted to get some x-rays done just in case. To make sure it wasn't caught anywhere dangerous and had gotten to her stomach okay. So we went down the street to the hospital for x-rays.
This is what they found
Yes, it's in her stomach. The x-ray tech came out of her little room with a shocked look on her face. She said they saw lots of strange things in kids' stomachs but that was one of the biggest she'd seen for such a little girl. 3 different nurses all gathered around in surprise. There were super nice. They had us wait until the radiologist reviewed it and then called our doctor. They said they might have to go in with a scope to remove it. But the doctors decided they'd give it a couple of days and see if it would pass on its own. Fun...what great timing for potty training. But if it didn't come out soon, they'd x-ray her again to see where it is. The nurse said the concern was that it might perferate the intestines as it moved through. Great. So the option is, wait and see or if that doesn't work she'll have a hole in her intestines and need surgery. I don't like those options.
But apparently once foreign objects get to the stomach, 90% of them come out on their own and it won't hurt her to sit inside her awhile.
Now, if you're a mom out there, you've probably lived through this same day (pretty much) so you know what I'm talking about. You might even be laughing at me for freaking out so bad about it. But in our 5+ years of parenting so far, this was really our first "emergency", so I know we're very blessed that this is the worst we've had. Please pray for this clip to pass safely out of Olivia very soon. Now that's a sentence I never thought I'd write.
So what does one do when your 2 year old child swallows a 2-inch piece of metal?! Do I call the doctor? Drive to the hospital? Call my mom!? Olivia is behind me in her car seat crying and holding her chest. She is my child that can have a double ear infection that's horribly aweful and never complain. She has a high pain tollerance, so her crying scared me. I called the pediatrician and they told me to come in. We drove straight there. Of course it was pouring down rain and I'm trying to drive carefully but quickly. We finally got there and they said she seemed fine but wanted to get some x-rays done just in case. To make sure it wasn't caught anywhere dangerous and had gotten to her stomach okay. So we went down the street to the hospital for x-rays.
This is what they found
Yes, it's in her stomach. The x-ray tech came out of her little room with a shocked look on her face. She said they saw lots of strange things in kids' stomachs but that was one of the biggest she'd seen for such a little girl. 3 different nurses all gathered around in surprise. There were super nice. They had us wait until the radiologist reviewed it and then called our doctor. They said they might have to go in with a scope to remove it. But the doctors decided they'd give it a couple of days and see if it would pass on its own. Fun...what great timing for potty training. But if it didn't come out soon, they'd x-ray her again to see where it is. The nurse said the concern was that it might perferate the intestines as it moved through. Great. So the option is, wait and see or if that doesn't work she'll have a hole in her intestines and need surgery. I don't like those options.
But apparently once foreign objects get to the stomach, 90% of them come out on their own and it won't hurt her to sit inside her awhile.
Now, if you're a mom out there, you've probably lived through this same day (pretty much) so you know what I'm talking about. You might even be laughing at me for freaking out so bad about it. But in our 5+ years of parenting so far, this was really our first "emergency", so I know we're very blessed that this is the worst we've had. Please pray for this clip to pass safely out of Olivia very soon. Now that's a sentence I never thought I'd write.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Start of School
School started today!!! Can you hear my enthusiam?! Don't get me wrong, most of the summer has been great. The girls were all big enough this year to help entertain each other and they played great together. But the last 2 or 3 weeks they have been at each other's throats, whining all day long and making me wish I was working outside the home for about 80 hours a week. So they were just as excited as me that school started today. : )
Mark brought Cassie to her first day of Kindergarten this morning. I didn't go because I stayed home with the babies and also because I thought it might go a little more smoothly without me (to whine to if desired...she doesn't whine to Daddy as much). Mark said she was super excited about school right up until the moment she sat at her desk, then the lip started quivering. I was glad I stayed home once I heard that. I've never considered myself one to cry on my child's first day of school but if SHE cried, then all bets would be off!
Cassie - the big kindergartener
I brought Hannah & Olivia when it was time for their school to start. Let me just say, I love their school. It's a mothers day out program with preschool too. We've been with them almost since they opened and I just love the people there. Plus I love that I can go to the grocery store by myself while the kids are there! : ) But anyway, we got there a little early (yay for me!) and there were only 3 other kids in their class at that point. All 3 were crying. Not just crying, mourning over the loss of their parents down the hallway, trying desperately to get the door open to chase after them, tears everywhere and little feet kicking in protest. And here come Hannah & Olivia, with no reaction at all except to notice "new" toys and forget that I'm even in the room. They did look at the crying children curiously as if they were wondering why they would cry in a room full of happiness (a.k.a. toys, puzzles & books they've never seen before). I doubt they noticed when I left. Oh well, that's a good problem to have I suppose. The other kids settled down and they all had a great day.
Hannah wasting no time
Olivia getting down to business
All in all, it was a great day...I even got a little nap! Yippee! I'm a little nervous about always having to have Cassie there on time since now she'll get in trouble if we're late. And it's another new routine to get used to, but I know they're all 3 going to have a great year. Cassie learned her first cheer today in PE class. "He-eyyy, Yo-oooo, listen up listen up listen up, Yo!" I can't tell you how hard I laughed at that one!
Have a great night!
Mark brought Cassie to her first day of Kindergarten this morning. I didn't go because I stayed home with the babies and also because I thought it might go a little more smoothly without me (to whine to if desired...she doesn't whine to Daddy as much). Mark said she was super excited about school right up until the moment she sat at her desk, then the lip started quivering. I was glad I stayed home once I heard that. I've never considered myself one to cry on my child's first day of school but if SHE cried, then all bets would be off!
Cassie - the big kindergartener
I brought Hannah & Olivia when it was time for their school to start. Let me just say, I love their school. It's a mothers day out program with preschool too. We've been with them almost since they opened and I just love the people there. Plus I love that I can go to the grocery store by myself while the kids are there! : ) But anyway, we got there a little early (yay for me!) and there were only 3 other kids in their class at that point. All 3 were crying. Not just crying, mourning over the loss of their parents down the hallway, trying desperately to get the door open to chase after them, tears everywhere and little feet kicking in protest. And here come Hannah & Olivia, with no reaction at all except to notice "new" toys and forget that I'm even in the room. They did look at the crying children curiously as if they were wondering why they would cry in a room full of happiness (a.k.a. toys, puzzles & books they've never seen before). I doubt they noticed when I left. Oh well, that's a good problem to have I suppose. The other kids settled down and they all had a great day.
Hannah wasting no time
Olivia getting down to business
All in all, it was a great day...I even got a little nap! Yippee! I'm a little nervous about always having to have Cassie there on time since now she'll get in trouble if we're late. And it's another new routine to get used to, but I know they're all 3 going to have a great year. Cassie learned her first cheer today in PE class. "He-eyyy, Yo-oooo, listen up listen up listen up, Yo!" I can't tell you how hard I laughed at that one!
Have a great night!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Today is Getting to Know YOU Sunday. YAY! :)
1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
No, I'm not a fan of any facial hair. Ouch!
2. What's the last concert you've been to?
Concerts? Do they still have those? Maybe Third Day like 10 years ago...I'm not sure.
3. What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
Growing Pains or the Facts of Life
4. Were you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents just liked my name (as far as I know).
5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
It depends...if they're too wrinkled or I have time, I'll wash them. If they look ready to go, I normally don't. But now after reading Melissa's answer about spiders laying eggs in them, I might have to get anal about washing them all!
6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
I don't spend a whole lot of time blogging, so it wouldn't make too much extra time for me.
7. What is your favorite department store?
JCPenney's. They have great sales and send out good coupons. Plus I like several of their lines.
8. If you were to get laser hair removal, where would you get it?
Legs...I get so tired of shaving but I feel dirty if I don't. Aren't you glad you know that about me?!
Ok, so that's it! Your turn! :)
1. Do you think mustaches are sexy?
No, I'm not a fan of any facial hair. Ouch!
2. What's the last concert you've been to?
Concerts? Do they still have those? Maybe Third Day like 10 years ago...I'm not sure.
3. What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
Growing Pains or the Facts of Life
4. Were you named after anyone?
Nope, my parents just liked my name (as far as I know).
5. When you buy new clothes, do you wash before wearing?
It depends...if they're too wrinkled or I have time, I'll wash them. If they look ready to go, I normally don't. But now after reading Melissa's answer about spiders laying eggs in them, I might have to get anal about washing them all!
6. If you didn't blog, what would you do with your spare time?
I don't spend a whole lot of time blogging, so it wouldn't make too much extra time for me.
7. What is your favorite department store?
JCPenney's. They have great sales and send out good coupons. Plus I like several of their lines.
8. If you were to get laser hair removal, where would you get it?
Legs...I get so tired of shaving but I feel dirty if I don't. Aren't you glad you know that about me?!
Ok, so that's it! Your turn! :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Five Question Friday
1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?
A neat sleeper. The bed almost looks made already if I've slept in it alone...which doesn't happen too often.
2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.
3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?
That breastfeeding (in all its glory!) hurts like heck and there's nothing natural about it!
4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?
I can't remember the last time I went to a garage sale. I'm not a big fan of them.
5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?
A smoked turkey sandwich on a croissant from McAlisters Deli. My favorite!
Your turn... : )
A neat sleeper. The bed almost looks made already if I've slept in it alone...which doesn't happen too often.
2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.
3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?
That breastfeeding (in all its glory!) hurts like heck and there's nothing natural about it!
4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?
I can't remember the last time I went to a garage sale. I'm not a big fan of them.
5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?
A smoked turkey sandwich on a croissant from McAlisters Deli. My favorite!
Your turn... : )
Potty Trained!!
So it's been a long time since I've blogged. I've been hearing that from several people lately. So sorry! Summer's just been a big blur. First we went on vacation to California, then we had swimming lessons, dance lessons, lots of days outside, a visit from Grandpa and so much more. The biggest milestone of this summer has been potty training the twins. I wasn't sure if it would be easier or harder with 2 but it's definitely been easier. Plus I was under NO pressure to get it done. They don't have to be completely potty trained for Mother's Day Out this year. Plus I'm not pregnant and stressing about how many diapers we'll need (like I was when I was training Cassie - boy was that a mistake!!). Cassie's actually been a big help. She'll go with them to the bathroom and get SOOOO excited when they go. Plus they watch each other. It's honestly been a breeze! At least compared to how hard Cassie was to get trained.
School starts in 1 week and 3 days!!! Yay for me!! It can't start soon enough. Summer started out pretty relaxing and fun, but by now, the girls are so bored they're all acting up. Plus Hannah & Olivia have discovered they can climb out of their cribs...great. We've ordered mattresses for their "big girl beds" but they're not in yet. So naps and bedtimes have been a mess lately. August 16th, please come soon!!! Cassie's so excited to start Kingergarten at Victory...she is so adorable in her little uniform. And the babies miss their teachers from "school" at Greenwell Springs Baptist. I know they'll all be glad to start school. But no one in this house will be happier about it than me! : )
School starts in 1 week and 3 days!!! Yay for me!! It can't start soon enough. Summer started out pretty relaxing and fun, but by now, the girls are so bored they're all acting up. Plus Hannah & Olivia have discovered they can climb out of their cribs...great. We've ordered mattresses for their "big girl beds" but they're not in yet. So naps and bedtimes have been a mess lately. August 16th, please come soon!!! Cassie's so excited to start Kingergarten at Victory...she is so adorable in her little uniform. And the babies miss their teachers from "school" at Greenwell Springs Baptist. I know they'll all be glad to start school. But no one in this house will be happier about it than me! : )
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Trip to California
We just got back from a weeklong trip to California to visit my dad (Grandpa). It was all 5 of us and we had a great time! The girls loved the plane ride and really did great. It worked out perfectly that we never had to wait long for our flights and we never had to rush either. We spent 2 days at DisneyLand, 1 day in San Diego at Sea World, 1 day at Aliso Beach Park, and 1 day shopping : ). The other 2 days were travel days. Here's some pics from our trip...
Our first day at Disney...the kids were in shock.
Olivia & Grandpa watching a parade
Mark clicking his heels...it must really be the happiest place on earth!
We loved Shamu!
...and giant teeth
My beautiful girls in front of Minnie Mouse's house
Mark & Cassie at the entrance to the parks
Me & my Hannah
Our beauties
Our first day at Disney...the kids were in shock.
Olivia & Grandpa watching a parade
Mark clicking his heels...it must really be the happiest place on earth!
We loved Shamu!
...and giant teeth
My beautiful girls in front of Minnie Mouse's house
Mark & Cassie at the entrance to the parks
Me & my Hannah
Our beauties
Sunday Stealing
1. You’re building your dream house. What’s the one thing that this house absolutely, positively MUST HAVE? (other than the obvious basics of course)
A huge pantry and linen closet. Oh and a butler's pantry!!! I've wanted one of those for a long time. I don't know why...they're just so cool. Plus it feels fancy.
2. What is your dream car?
I'm not a big car person...as long as it's nice, has all the convenient features I'd like and it's paid off, I'm good.
3. What is your favorite website that isn’t a blog?
Oh I don't know, maybe Amazon.com cause I like to shop?
4. iPhone 4 or Droid, which do you want?
I'm going with iPhone 4. I don't have a clue about either one but I hate the way they say "droid" on the Droid commercials...it's creepy to me. So they don't get my vote. : )
5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up?
Ice cream always helps! But really, talk to my Mom or Mark, hug my girls...
6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate.
Numbers...I can actually enjoy balancing my checkbook (as long as there's enough money in it!)
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A grandma! Of course I want to wait about 25 years for this! But I love the idea of spoiling grandbabies and then sending them back.
8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance?
No way!
9. Who was your favorite teacher when you were growing up. (Grade school, Middle School, Jr. High or High School only.)
I loved Mrs. Browning for 10th grade English, Mrs. Boyle for all my drama classes, and Mrs. Smith for choir.
10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do?
No clue.
11. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 21, living near LSU with Melissa, Aimie & Amanda. Almost done with college. Just started seeing Mark. Fun being carefree!
12. By this time next year, I ...
don't know.
13. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing?
If they're the right person for the job, sure.
14. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime?
Already have my dream man!
15. What is your greatest pet peeve?
There's a McDonald's near our house that has a driveway in from 2 sides. It drives me insane when people want to cut in line at the drive thru instead of driving around the building and getting in line like the rest of us. I mean, it's okay if there's no line but when there is a line, get in it! I can get very territorial when someone tries to wedge their way between me and my caffeine fix for the day!
16. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles?
We just got back from our first family vacation with all 5 of us. Went to California (south of L.A.) to visit my dad and take the kids to DisneyLand and Sea World. We flew and the kids loved the plane. It was exhausting but we all had a great time. I'll post pics later.
17. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
18. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
19. What are you dreading at the moment?
Cassie's swimming lessons for the next 2 weeks. I don't dread the actual lessons, but they're WAY across town and I just don't like to drag all 3 kids across town for a 40 minute lesson. But I picked the place so I really can't complain. Cassie really liked it there last year.
20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
21. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship.
Wrong guy.
22. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Sweating but trying to sleep...our A/C went out last night!!
23. Do you have any famous relatives?
No, but I have a relative with a famous name.
24. How many different beverages have you drank today?
Lots of cold drinks
25. What is something you are excited about?
Cassie starting Kindergarten in the fall
26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group?
Umm...I sang at church a few weeks ago. I speak monthly at our Mothers Of PreSschoolers group but it's not very large.
27. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
It's hot.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Wondering what to do about the A/C and waiting on Mark to get home. He went out with some friends after work. He had fun and he deserved it!
29. What’s a word that you say a lot?
"No", "Sit down", "Be kind", some days I feel like a broken record. : )
30. Who is your worst enemy?
Ice cream, but he's also such a great friend!
A huge pantry and linen closet. Oh and a butler's pantry!!! I've wanted one of those for a long time. I don't know why...they're just so cool. Plus it feels fancy.
2. What is your dream car?
I'm not a big car person...as long as it's nice, has all the convenient features I'd like and it's paid off, I'm good.
3. What is your favorite website that isn’t a blog?
Oh I don't know, maybe Amazon.com cause I like to shop?
4. iPhone 4 or Droid, which do you want?
I'm going with iPhone 4. I don't have a clue about either one but I hate the way they say "droid" on the Droid commercials...it's creepy to me. So they don't get my vote. : )
5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up?
Ice cream always helps! But really, talk to my Mom or Mark, hug my girls...
6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate.
Numbers...I can actually enjoy balancing my checkbook (as long as there's enough money in it!)
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A grandma! Of course I want to wait about 25 years for this! But I love the idea of spoiling grandbabies and then sending them back.
8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance?
No way!
9. Who was your favorite teacher when you were growing up. (Grade school, Middle School, Jr. High or High School only.)
I loved Mrs. Browning for 10th grade English, Mrs. Boyle for all my drama classes, and Mrs. Smith for choir.
10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do?
No clue.
11. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was 21, living near LSU with Melissa, Aimie & Amanda. Almost done with college. Just started seeing Mark. Fun being carefree!
12. By this time next year, I ...
don't know.
13. Do you think the United States will elect a female President in your lifetime? Do you think this would be a good thing?
If they're the right person for the job, sure.
14. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime?
Already have my dream man!
15. What is your greatest pet peeve?
There's a McDonald's near our house that has a driveway in from 2 sides. It drives me insane when people want to cut in line at the drive thru instead of driving around the building and getting in line like the rest of us. I mean, it's okay if there's no line but when there is a line, get in it! I can get very territorial when someone tries to wedge their way between me and my caffeine fix for the day!
16. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles?
We just got back from our first family vacation with all 5 of us. Went to California (south of L.A.) to visit my dad and take the kids to DisneyLand and Sea World. We flew and the kids loved the plane. It was exhausting but we all had a great time. I'll post pics later.
17. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
18. Do you have a nickname? What is it?
19. What are you dreading at the moment?
Cassie's swimming lessons for the next 2 weeks. I don't dread the actual lessons, but they're WAY across town and I just don't like to drag all 3 kids across town for a 40 minute lesson. But I picked the place so I really can't complain. Cassie really liked it there last year.
20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
21. In two words, explain what ended your last relationship.
Wrong guy.
22. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Sweating but trying to sleep...our A/C went out last night!!
23. Do you have any famous relatives?
No, but I have a relative with a famous name.
24. How many different beverages have you drank today?
Lots of cold drinks
25. What is something you are excited about?
Cassie starting Kindergarten in the fall
26. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group?
Umm...I sang at church a few weeks ago. I speak monthly at our Mothers Of PreSschoolers group but it's not very large.
27. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
It's hot.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Wondering what to do about the A/C and waiting on Mark to get home. He went out with some friends after work. He had fun and he deserved it!
29. What’s a word that you say a lot?
"No", "Sit down", "Be kind", some days I feel like a broken record. : )
30. Who is your worst enemy?
Ice cream, but he's also such a great friend!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
K4 Graduation
Here's our little graduate with her very first diploma. I know she'll have a hundred more graduations before college but they're all going to be special. I'm sad that she'll be leaving Greenwell Springs Baptist ELC...we've LOVED it there. Their director, Jancie, is wonderful and she makes sure they have the best teachers, activities and learning fun. Hannah and Olivia will still be there for the next two years, so I'm not super sad since we'll still be around for a while. But Cassie is moving on to Kindergarten at Victory Academy. It's so funny because that's where I went to elementary school and some of the same staff are still there. I know she's going to love "big school" and look adorable in her uniforms. She can't wait for summer to be over so she can start school again.
We have babies!
Well, actually we have ducklings. More acurately a duck that lives in the lake behind our house had ducklings. She makes a nest in our yard at the edge of the water each year. This year she seemed late...maybe because it was cold longer this winter. But aren't the ducklings precious?! So cute and fluffy! They come up in the yard every now and then.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
5 Years Old
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hello there...
I haven't blogged in a while and today is the perfect day for a blog. You see, I have laryngitis and can't talk out loud. It's driving me CRAZY but at least it's kinda forcing me to blog in a way.
I've decided that Mark can't go out of town without me anymore. Not because I'm possessive or jealous or anything. It's just the last time he went fishing with the men from our church, we all came down with a stomach bug and I had to ask him to come home early. Now this past weekend, Mark went to Florida to visit his sister, Shannon. He had a great time and I'm glad he was able to visit and get in some R&R on his own. But while he was gone I got pink eye and a cold. Fun. The pink eye's been circulating though our girls for a couple of weeks...I thought we'd finally gotten rid of it and then I got it. That was the day he left for FL. The next day I started feeling like a cold was coming on. You know that feeling? By the time Mark got home Monday evening, I was pooped and not feeling good at all. But I kept thinking it's just a cold, right? I had the flu a few weeks ago, so this is nothing. Then this morning I woke up and absolutely could not speak. No sound would come out of my mouth at all. It's been so frustrating, plus it hurts. (Yes, I'm whining...it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to!) : ) I called the doctor's office to make an appointment and it was comical trying to tell them my name and what I needed. Phone calls I've been waiting on have been returned today and I couldn't answer them. I had to write down my order at Smoothie King for lunch and hope they didn't think I was weird. I am feeling a bit better now that I've got 3 prescriptions in me after seeing the doctor. It's just killing me cause if you know me, you know I love to talk. Today is Cassie's 5th birthday and I can't even sing to her!! I whispered "Happy Birthday" to her his morning and I think she's secretly enjoying my lack of words today. She's been picking up the pace with bossing her sisters around. It's funny to see her try to act like me. Funny and humbling...I don't really sound like that, do I? : )
Yesterday I made cupcakes for Cassie's class today. I made them right before she got home from school and they were cooling on the counter. They were the little tiny ones that are like 1 bite. She & I ate a couple of them and then we had rest time. The babies were sleeping and I needed a nap with not feeling well, and Cassie was supposed to be watching a video in her room. When I got up, I went into the kitchen to ice the cupcakes and guess what...there was ONE stinking cupcake left in the pan. ONE! Out of 24! I found 16 wrappers hidden in her room. She didn't lie about it and I didn't feel good so I just didn't have the strength or heart to punish her more. I'm sure her tummy hurt at that point. Mark was so mad when I told him. But it was so funny. Here's my skinny minny 5 year old who won't eat most of what I cook but has polished off nearly a whole pan of mini cupcakes! I still can't believe she did that. Ha ha! So for punishment, she didn't get to bring anything to school for her birthday. That was a big deal because she'd been looking forward to that. But I certainly wasn't going back to the store to buy another mix and make more cupcakes. Not a chance! I'm going to make regular cupcakes for her birthday party this weekend. Apparently I'll have to hide them if I want them to make it to the party. But after yesterday and all the hoopla that surrounded her binge, I doubt she'll ever do that again. : )
Mark came home early from work today. I am so so so so glad about that. It's really hard to take care of kids without being able to speak. I'd never thought about that before. Actually I don't think I've ever lost my voice so completely before, so I've thought a lot today about how much I do appreciate my voice. Just being able to get my point across or get someone's attention. That might sound silly but I really am more grateful for that ability. Thank you Lord that my voice will come back in a couple of days!
More about Cassie's birthday to come... : )
I've decided that Mark can't go out of town without me anymore. Not because I'm possessive or jealous or anything. It's just the last time he went fishing with the men from our church, we all came down with a stomach bug and I had to ask him to come home early. Now this past weekend, Mark went to Florida to visit his sister, Shannon. He had a great time and I'm glad he was able to visit and get in some R&R on his own. But while he was gone I got pink eye and a cold. Fun. The pink eye's been circulating though our girls for a couple of weeks...I thought we'd finally gotten rid of it and then I got it. That was the day he left for FL. The next day I started feeling like a cold was coming on. You know that feeling? By the time Mark got home Monday evening, I was pooped and not feeling good at all. But I kept thinking it's just a cold, right? I had the flu a few weeks ago, so this is nothing. Then this morning I woke up and absolutely could not speak. No sound would come out of my mouth at all. It's been so frustrating, plus it hurts. (Yes, I'm whining...it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to!) : ) I called the doctor's office to make an appointment and it was comical trying to tell them my name and what I needed. Phone calls I've been waiting on have been returned today and I couldn't answer them. I had to write down my order at Smoothie King for lunch and hope they didn't think I was weird. I am feeling a bit better now that I've got 3 prescriptions in me after seeing the doctor. It's just killing me cause if you know me, you know I love to talk. Today is Cassie's 5th birthday and I can't even sing to her!! I whispered "Happy Birthday" to her his morning and I think she's secretly enjoying my lack of words today. She's been picking up the pace with bossing her sisters around. It's funny to see her try to act like me. Funny and humbling...I don't really sound like that, do I? : )
Yesterday I made cupcakes for Cassie's class today. I made them right before she got home from school and they were cooling on the counter. They were the little tiny ones that are like 1 bite. She & I ate a couple of them and then we had rest time. The babies were sleeping and I needed a nap with not feeling well, and Cassie was supposed to be watching a video in her room. When I got up, I went into the kitchen to ice the cupcakes and guess what...there was ONE stinking cupcake left in the pan. ONE! Out of 24! I found 16 wrappers hidden in her room. She didn't lie about it and I didn't feel good so I just didn't have the strength or heart to punish her more. I'm sure her tummy hurt at that point. Mark was so mad when I told him. But it was so funny. Here's my skinny minny 5 year old who won't eat most of what I cook but has polished off nearly a whole pan of mini cupcakes! I still can't believe she did that. Ha ha! So for punishment, she didn't get to bring anything to school for her birthday. That was a big deal because she'd been looking forward to that. But I certainly wasn't going back to the store to buy another mix and make more cupcakes. Not a chance! I'm going to make regular cupcakes for her birthday party this weekend. Apparently I'll have to hide them if I want them to make it to the party. But after yesterday and all the hoopla that surrounded her binge, I doubt she'll ever do that again. : )
Mark came home early from work today. I am so so so so glad about that. It's really hard to take care of kids without being able to speak. I'd never thought about that before. Actually I don't think I've ever lost my voice so completely before, so I've thought a lot today about how much I do appreciate my voice. Just being able to get my point across or get someone's attention. That might sound silly but I really am more grateful for that ability. Thank you Lord that my voice will come back in a couple of days!
More about Cassie's birthday to come... : )
Friday, April 23, 2010
As I type that title, in my head I'm singing the theme song from that TV show The OC.
We're going on a family vacation this year! Obviously to California. My dad lives there south of Los Angeles. We're going to visit him and do other fun stuff too. We're flying and staying in a nice family friendly hotel. My dad is letting us borrow his Durango while we're there so we won't have to rent a car. I'm so excited! I feel like a kid looking forward to it. I guess because it's our first REAL family vacation since the twins were born. And it's so fun to get the kids all excited about it.
We're gonna go to Disneyland, Sea World, the beach, and who knows where else. Yay!
Have a great weekend!
We're going on a family vacation this year! Obviously to California. My dad lives there south of Los Angeles. We're going to visit him and do other fun stuff too. We're flying and staying in a nice family friendly hotel. My dad is letting us borrow his Durango while we're there so we won't have to rent a car. I'm so excited! I feel like a kid looking forward to it. I guess because it's our first REAL family vacation since the twins were born. And it's so fun to get the kids all excited about it.
We're gonna go to Disneyland, Sea World, the beach, and who knows where else. Yay!
Have a great weekend!
Five Question Friday
1. What was the first car you owned?
a 1991 Geo Storm...teal green. I was awesome! Actually it was a great car. It kept going long after it should have given out. We still refer to the "Geo annointing" that keeps cars running years past their expiration date. : )
2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to?
Ice Ice Baby
3. Have you ever had stitches?
C-section. Fun.
4. What was your first job?
I worked for about 2 days as a telemarketer for Olan Mills photography. WORST DAYS EVER!!
5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
Well, I watch this show often since we have 3 little ones. I like Zoey...she's elmo's little dance-loving friend.
a 1991 Geo Storm...teal green. I was awesome! Actually it was a great car. It kept going long after it should have given out. We still refer to the "Geo annointing" that keeps cars running years past their expiration date. : )
2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to?
Ice Ice Baby
3. Have you ever had stitches?
C-section. Fun.
4. What was your first job?
I worked for about 2 days as a telemarketer for Olan Mills photography. WORST DAYS EVER!!
5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character?
Well, I watch this show often since we have 3 little ones. I like Zoey...she's elmo's little dance-loving friend.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Not much new
I'm just blogging to blog today. I don't really have much to say. Really, I'm just procrastinating from doing some bookkeeping work. I don't mind the work, I'm just not in the mood to do it today. The girls are home from "school" and are playing "chase" in the next room...hopefully no one will fall. Hannah & Olivia don't understand the rules...they pretty much just dance all over the place and Cassie darts in and out saying "you're it!". : )
Here's what we've been doing lately. Enjoy!
The Saturday before Easter we went to the zoo. It's a brave family who takes these 3 to the zoo...
And Easter Sunday after church at Nana's
I tried to post a cute video of Hannah singing her rendition of Jesus Loves Me but I can't get it to work for some reason. I'll try again another day. Have a good one!
Here's what we've been doing lately. Enjoy!
The Saturday before Easter we went to the zoo. It's a brave family who takes these 3 to the zoo...
And Easter Sunday after church at Nana's
I tried to post a cute video of Hannah singing her rendition of Jesus Loves Me but I can't get it to work for some reason. I'll try again another day. Have a good one!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sunday Stealing
1) Never in my life have I been: Skinny
2) The one person who can drive me nuts is: a person who cuts in line in the drive thru at the McDonalds near our house. That makes me crazy!
3) High school was: so much fun because of musical theater!
4) When I'm nervous, I: bounce my leg or clench my teeth
5) The last song i listened to was: no idea...it was by VeggieTales though
6) If i were to get married right now, my maid of honor would be: Melissa (who was my MOH)
7) My hair is: My mom always told me my natural highlights would be the first to go gray...she was right. : (
8) When i was 5: I told my kindergarten class that Santa Clause was dead. My mom had read me a story about St. Nicholas and when I asked where he was now, she told me the truth. Apparently I needed to fill in the K5 and 1st grade classes at school. Mom sure got an earful about that.
9) Last Christmas: was so fun...the first year all 3 of our girls were into it
10) I should be: going to sleep now
11) When i look down i see: my desk
12) The happiest recent event was: buying shoes for Hannah & Olivia today. Their first little Nikes.
13) If i was a character on Friends, I would be: totally Monica
14) By this time next year: I will drop my kids off on time every day for school!
15) My current gripe is: There are 4 loads of laundry that need to be folded in my living room.
16) I have a hard time understanding: science...glad I'm done with school
17) There's this girl i know that: needed one more hug before bed tonight...Cassie
18) If i won an award, the first person i would tell would be: my hubby or my mom
19) Take my advice: Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? (Yes, Mel, I got that from you!)
20) The thing i want to buy is: a new car for Mark...he wants a Camero so bad
21) If you visited the place i was born: you would need to eat some good seafood
22) I plan to visit: the beach sometime this summer with our family
23) If you spent the night at my house: you could sleep in Cassie's bed...she'd love a reason to sleep in our room
24) I'd stop my wedding if: too late!
25) The world could do without: taxes
26) I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: set myself on fire (that's a weird question)
27) Most recent thing i've bought myself: a book & video today
28) Most recent thing someone has bought me was:
29) My favorite blonde is: my 4 year old Cassie
30) My favorite brunette is: Mark
31) My favorite red head is: ummm...do I know a red head? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone
32) My middle name is: Dawn
33) In the morning I: will go to church
34) The animals i would like to see flying besides birds are: me...I've always thought that would be fun. No other animals though, there's enough poop to dodge from the birds.
35) Once, at a bar: someone got drunk
36) Last night I was: crazy tired
37) There's this guy i know who: I'll always love.
38) If i was an animal, I'd be: a cat...I'd make a good one...lay around all day, that'd be nice
39) A better name for me would be: none...I like my name.
40) Tomorrow I am: going to church then Mark & I are taking Cassie to an Easter egg hunt/picnic at a friends house.
41) Tonight I am: just realizing that I didn't eat any dinner...so I guess I'm going to eat something and then go to bed.
42) My birthday is: September 6th
2) The one person who can drive me nuts is: a person who cuts in line in the drive thru at the McDonalds near our house. That makes me crazy!
3) High school was: so much fun because of musical theater!
4) When I'm nervous, I: bounce my leg or clench my teeth
5) The last song i listened to was: no idea...it was by VeggieTales though
6) If i were to get married right now, my maid of honor would be: Melissa (who was my MOH)
7) My hair is: My mom always told me my natural highlights would be the first to go gray...she was right. : (
8) When i was 5: I told my kindergarten class that Santa Clause was dead. My mom had read me a story about St. Nicholas and when I asked where he was now, she told me the truth. Apparently I needed to fill in the K5 and 1st grade classes at school. Mom sure got an earful about that.
9) Last Christmas: was so fun...the first year all 3 of our girls were into it
10) I should be: going to sleep now
11) When i look down i see: my desk
12) The happiest recent event was: buying shoes for Hannah & Olivia today. Their first little Nikes.
13) If i was a character on Friends, I would be: totally Monica
14) By this time next year: I will drop my kids off on time every day for school!
15) My current gripe is: There are 4 loads of laundry that need to be folded in my living room.
16) I have a hard time understanding: science...glad I'm done with school
17) There's this girl i know that: needed one more hug before bed tonight...Cassie
18) If i won an award, the first person i would tell would be: my hubby or my mom
19) Take my advice: Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? (Yes, Mel, I got that from you!)
20) The thing i want to buy is: a new car for Mark...he wants a Camero so bad
21) If you visited the place i was born: you would need to eat some good seafood
22) I plan to visit: the beach sometime this summer with our family
23) If you spent the night at my house: you could sleep in Cassie's bed...she'd love a reason to sleep in our room
24) I'd stop my wedding if: too late!
25) The world could do without: taxes
26) I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: set myself on fire (that's a weird question)
27) Most recent thing i've bought myself: a book & video today
28) Most recent thing someone has bought me was:
29) My favorite blonde is: my 4 year old Cassie
30) My favorite brunette is: Mark
31) My favorite red head is: ummm...do I know a red head? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone
32) My middle name is: Dawn
33) In the morning I: will go to church
34) The animals i would like to see flying besides birds are: me...I've always thought that would be fun. No other animals though, there's enough poop to dodge from the birds.
35) Once, at a bar: someone got drunk
36) Last night I was: crazy tired
37) There's this guy i know who: I'll always love.
38) If i was an animal, I'd be: a cat...I'd make a good one...lay around all day, that'd be nice
39) A better name for me would be: none...I like my name.
40) Tomorrow I am: going to church then Mark & I are taking Cassie to an Easter egg hunt/picnic at a friends house.
41) Tonight I am: just realizing that I didn't eat any dinner...so I guess I'm going to eat something and then go to bed.
42) My birthday is: September 6th
Spring has Sprung!
Okay, I know I've been a slacker at posting pictures. So I'm gonna give it a try today. Enjoy!
Fair at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church (where the girls go to "school")
Waiting with Nana for big sister to finish her ride
Daddy & Olivia
Mark is training Cassie already...maybe she'll make a good caddy?
Two peas in a pod at our church's Easter Eggstravaganza
Hannah likes our ducks...haven't seen any ducklings so far this year
Fair at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church (where the girls go to "school")
Waiting with Nana for big sister to finish her ride
Daddy & Olivia
Mark is training Cassie already...maybe she'll make a good caddy?
Two peas in a pod at our church's Easter Eggstravaganza
Hannah likes our ducks...haven't seen any ducklings so far this year
Friday, April 9, 2010
It's Five Question Friday again...
1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Sandra Bullock...I just love her!
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
Oh yes, at least the weekly kind. As a kiddo, it was a day camp at church or weekly camp with the Bushes. As a teen, it was youth camp or being a counselor for the kids camps that the Bushes did at Singing Waters. As a college bound young adult, it was being a counselor for the teen camps that the Ericksons did at Kings Arrow Ranch. Never for a whole summer...that was reserved for missions trips to Mexico. : )
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
BUGS!!! Specifically the flying stinging kind. I mean, I really hate ALL bugs. Spiders freak me out but I can deal with the creepy crawly kind...at least enough to squish them and flush them down the toilet. I can't just throw them in the trash can, I have this weird idea that they're faking death and will crawl out and come after me. If they're flushed, they're really gone. : ) But bees and wasps send me running and screaming every time. It's sad really.
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
Well, aparently when the toilet paper is almost gone in the bathroom, I take out another roll and leave it out on top of the old roll so that when the old one is out, another one will be available. We've been married for 8 years, and for 8 years I've thought I was being nice to the next person so they wouldn't run out of paper. Well, a couple of weeks ago I found out that for 8 years this has been driving my husband crazy! He never said anything for 8 years!! Looks like there's never enough toilet paper left on the roll at that point so he always ends up having to change the roll. This really bothers him for some reason and he just now told me that! Oh well. It doesn't change anything. I'm not going to throw out a roll that still has paper on it just so he doesn't have to change it. I'm sure we can work past this and save the marraige. : ) Ha ha!
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Hmmmm...I always dislike this question because this can change daily. Today it's an old church worship song. I don't know the name of it but someone gave me a paper recently (my mom) with a scripture from Lamentation 3:22-23 "22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." I only remember the chorus but it's been playing on repeat in my head today. I love the old worship songs that I learned as a kid. It's how I'd memorized most of the scriptures that I know by heart.
Sandra Bullock...I just love her!
2. Did you ever go to summer camp?
Oh yes, at least the weekly kind. As a kiddo, it was a day camp at church or weekly camp with the Bushes. As a teen, it was youth camp or being a counselor for the kids camps that the Bushes did at Singing Waters. As a college bound young adult, it was being a counselor for the teen camps that the Ericksons did at Kings Arrow Ranch. Never for a whole summer...that was reserved for missions trips to Mexico. : )
3. What sends you running and screaming in the other direction?
BUGS!!! Specifically the flying stinging kind. I mean, I really hate ALL bugs. Spiders freak me out but I can deal with the creepy crawly kind...at least enough to squish them and flush them down the toilet. I can't just throw them in the trash can, I have this weird idea that they're faking death and will crawl out and come after me. If they're flushed, they're really gone. : ) But bees and wasps send me running and screaming every time. It's sad really.
4. What is something you do that drives your spouse nuts?
Well, aparently when the toilet paper is almost gone in the bathroom, I take out another roll and leave it out on top of the old roll so that when the old one is out, another one will be available. We've been married for 8 years, and for 8 years I've thought I was being nice to the next person so they wouldn't run out of paper. Well, a couple of weeks ago I found out that for 8 years this has been driving my husband crazy! He never said anything for 8 years!! Looks like there's never enough toilet paper left on the roll at that point so he always ends up having to change the roll. This really bothers him for some reason and he just now told me that! Oh well. It doesn't change anything. I'm not going to throw out a roll that still has paper on it just so he doesn't have to change it. I'm sure we can work past this and save the marraige. : ) Ha ha!
5. What is currently your favorite song?
Hmmmm...I always dislike this question because this can change daily. Today it's an old church worship song. I don't know the name of it but someone gave me a paper recently (my mom) with a scripture from Lamentation 3:22-23 "22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." I only remember the chorus but it's been playing on repeat in my head today. I love the old worship songs that I learned as a kid. It's how I'd memorized most of the scriptures that I know by heart.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
We've got WHAT?!
Well, so much for being healthy again. Cassie, Olivia & I all have the flu. Great, right? This is the first year in forever that I've gotten a flu shot. So did our girls. Mark didn't. Guess who isn't sick...you guessed it...Mark. Hannah hasn't been sick either but their pediatrician wasn't too positive about her not getting it too since they're so close all the time. We caught Olivia's in time for Tamiflu to help and we're giving it to Hannah too to hopefully keep her from getting it (I didn't know you could do that). But mine and Cassie's flu was too far into it for the medicine. So Cassie & I are on the tail end of ours and hopefully Olivia's will be very short and Hannah & Mark will avoid it altogether.
Here's my recount of another lovely week...
Last Friday - Cassie started having a cough, no big deal. That night she had a fever.
Weekend - had to stay home with Cassie since she had a fever...had a mommy/daughter night that I wrote about before
Monday - I was soooo tired Monday. I felt okay but had a really hard time keeping my eyes open. By that night I was running fever too.
Tuesday - I don't remember hurting that much since my c-section (which is a totally different blog that I won't bore you with). Everything ached. Even my fingers and toes. Medicine helped for a few minutes between rounds. Horrible day. I didn't stay vertical for more than a few seconds that day. My wonderfully awesome husband stayed home from work and took care of the kiddos while I hid in the bed. He's the greatest.
Wendesday - Doctor day. I went to the doc for me first and they did a flu test and said I didn't have the flu. But then I took Cassie & Olivia to their doc and their tests were positive. She told me that I most likely had the flu too since we all had the same symptoms and those tests can be wrong fairly often. Armed with meds, we head home. By the time we get home (Mark has picked Hannah up from school) and I'm so tired, all I can do is crash.
Thursday - today I've felt a lot better. My cough is improving and I don't think I've run fever today. The girls all seem much better today too. It was hard with Mark back at work but I made it to nap time and crashed with the girls. Mark came home early and was home by the time we woke up. What a life saver! Maybe by tomorrow we'll all be fever free!! Please Lord!!
I just really want to point out that my husband Mark has been so amazing during these sicknesses lately. I mean, he's always helpful with the girls and with things around the house when I ask him. He's wonderful about letting me go out with my girlfriends too. But lately he's been extra awesome! I know it's been really hard for him to take off of work when he's not sick to take care of a sick household...knowing all the work that's piling up for him at the office. But he's been so patient with us all. Bringing us our medicines, keeping the kids quiet so I can sleep, comforting them when their fevers go up. Every now and then, I get a glimpse of him loving on our girls and it reminds me of the day after Cassie was born. We were at the hospital and he was holding Cassie while I was sleeping. He'd fallen asleep with her cuddled up on his chest. My heart was so full that day. Not only had I gained a daughter, but I'd gained a whole new part of my husband that I'd never known was there. I fell in love with him all over again that day. This week has reminded me of that. Stuff happens, kids get sick, cats pee in your car, but at the end of the day the one person I want to be with every night is Mark. It's weeks like this that remind me he's always got my back. I hope he knows I've got his back too. : )
Here's my recount of another lovely week...
Last Friday - Cassie started having a cough, no big deal. That night she had a fever.
Weekend - had to stay home with Cassie since she had a fever...had a mommy/daughter night that I wrote about before
Monday - I was soooo tired Monday. I felt okay but had a really hard time keeping my eyes open. By that night I was running fever too.
Tuesday - I don't remember hurting that much since my c-section (which is a totally different blog that I won't bore you with). Everything ached. Even my fingers and toes. Medicine helped for a few minutes between rounds. Horrible day. I didn't stay vertical for more than a few seconds that day. My wonderfully awesome husband stayed home from work and took care of the kiddos while I hid in the bed. He's the greatest.
Wendesday - Doctor day. I went to the doc for me first and they did a flu test and said I didn't have the flu. But then I took Cassie & Olivia to their doc and their tests were positive. She told me that I most likely had the flu too since we all had the same symptoms and those tests can be wrong fairly often. Armed with meds, we head home. By the time we get home (Mark has picked Hannah up from school) and I'm so tired, all I can do is crash.
Thursday - today I've felt a lot better. My cough is improving and I don't think I've run fever today. The girls all seem much better today too. It was hard with Mark back at work but I made it to nap time and crashed with the girls. Mark came home early and was home by the time we woke up. What a life saver! Maybe by tomorrow we'll all be fever free!! Please Lord!!
I just really want to point out that my husband Mark has been so amazing during these sicknesses lately. I mean, he's always helpful with the girls and with things around the house when I ask him. He's wonderful about letting me go out with my girlfriends too. But lately he's been extra awesome! I know it's been really hard for him to take off of work when he's not sick to take care of a sick household...knowing all the work that's piling up for him at the office. But he's been so patient with us all. Bringing us our medicines, keeping the kids quiet so I can sleep, comforting them when their fevers go up. Every now and then, I get a glimpse of him loving on our girls and it reminds me of the day after Cassie was born. We were at the hospital and he was holding Cassie while I was sleeping. He'd fallen asleep with her cuddled up on his chest. My heart was so full that day. Not only had I gained a daughter, but I'd gained a whole new part of my husband that I'd never known was there. I fell in love with him all over again that day. This week has reminded me of that. Stuff happens, kids get sick, cats pee in your car, but at the end of the day the one person I want to be with every night is Mark. It's weeks like this that remind me he's always got my back. I hope he knows I've got his back too. : )
Monday, March 15, 2010
Rest in Peace Bro. Joey
I found out this evening that a dear family friend, Bro. Joey Winters died today. He was a wonderful man of God. His music will always be a part of us. Mark grew up under his leadership in worship and music classes at school. I knew him since my teens from youth camps and friendships made with Faith Church people. I walked down the aisle to his beautiful melodies and sang with him later at Mark's mother's funeral. He was the type of man who touches your life forever...his impression is always there. So much like the music he lived for impressed on all who heard that he was playing for the glory of the Lord, not just for himself. To gain encouragement from him made you feel so special and talented. He was always smiling, always stylin'! We'll miss you, Bro. Joey.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Mommy/Daughter Night
Last night Cassie & I had a mommy/daughter night...just the two of us. We were supposed to all go over to my mom's for dinner and for Mark to help my brother Micah do something on his truck. But Richard's been sick and can't be exposed to anything else and Cassie was still running fever. So she & I stayed behind. We went to eat at Chilis and then went to Target to buy a new movie. We got Madagascar Esape 2 Africa. I must say, I LOVE the Madagascar movies. "I like to move it move it" along with my kids and it's just one of the few that I don't mind sitting down and watching the whole thing. We also got ice cream and pop corn. So we loaded up the pillows on our bed and popped the movie into the laptop and went to town! Cassie stayed up until midnight...I'm not sure if she's ever been up that late! But she & I had so much fun together. We both needed that. The babies spent the night at Nana & Papa's house for the first time so she really had me all to herself. Hannah & Olivia also had a blast with Nana/Papa time without big sis. Plus Mark got to do man stuff with a truck and eat a big dinner so he was happy too. A great night considering we were all in different directions.
Cassie's still running fever and her cough is getting worse...she's starting to sound hoarse, poor baby. I really hope she's better tomorrow. I just hate when my kids are sick! It's such an aweful feeling. I read somewhere that parents should not get in their kids' faces when the kids are sick to protect themselves from getting sick. But I don't know how I could possibly restrain myself from cuddling even closer when they're sick. I'll risk the sickness to know that they feel comforted. Especially if they're really sick. But H & O are okay this go-round. Hopefully they won't catch whatever Cassie has. I'm praying!!!
Cassie's still running fever and her cough is getting worse...she's starting to sound hoarse, poor baby. I really hope she's better tomorrow. I just hate when my kids are sick! It's such an aweful feeling. I read somewhere that parents should not get in their kids' faces when the kids are sick to protect themselves from getting sick. But I don't know how I could possibly restrain myself from cuddling even closer when they're sick. I'll risk the sickness to know that they feel comforted. Especially if they're really sick. But H & O are okay this go-round. Hopefully they won't catch whatever Cassie has. I'm praying!!!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Goodness Gracious!
So it's 1:30am and here I am. Cassie (my 4 year old) is up with a cough and a fever. I should have known...she was calm yesterday, wanting to lay on the couch and watch movies. I was enjoying the cuddle time but maybe I should have seen this coming. Bummer. I gave her some medicine and hopefully she'll get some sleep. Poor baby.
On a brighter note, my floors are clean! Maybe this isn't news to you or a big deal at your house, but here...unless the mess on the floor has overflowed from the dining room to the rest of the house, I just don't think about it. 3 years ago, I would have had a panic attack about how gross my floors can get but not anymore. No, now I have 3 kids and no time to think about it. Ha ha! But yesterday enough was enough. Yes, even I have my breaking point. My floors haven't been cleaner in a long time and I LOVE walking on my clean floors. I have to relish this because tomorrow there will be another spill or goldfish gone MIA that I won't discover until next week, so today I'm going to glory in my shiny clean floors.
I promise I'm not gross...my house is just about always clean to the naked eye. The floors are just my last priority...well, right after the dusting. : )
On a brighter note, my floors are clean! Maybe this isn't news to you or a big deal at your house, but here...unless the mess on the floor has overflowed from the dining room to the rest of the house, I just don't think about it. 3 years ago, I would have had a panic attack about how gross my floors can get but not anymore. No, now I have 3 kids and no time to think about it. Ha ha! But yesterday enough was enough. Yes, even I have my breaking point. My floors haven't been cleaner in a long time and I LOVE walking on my clean floors. I have to relish this because tomorrow there will be another spill or goldfish gone MIA that I won't discover until next week, so today I'm going to glory in my shiny clean floors.
I promise I'm not gross...my house is just about always clean to the naked eye. The floors are just my last priority...well, right after the dusting. : )
Friday, March 12, 2010
My Last Few Weeks
I haven't posted anything in a while. That's because my life is crazy. When I say crazy, I mean nuts! Here's a play by play of the last couple of weeks in the world of the Steudlein crew...
Monday - Olivia's sick at the end of the school day...throws up in her carseat on the way home
Monday afternoon - I clean the carseat while in the van and leave the door open for it to air out and close the door late that night
Tuesday evening - I hadn't used the van all day and Mark asks me when he gets home from work if I realize a cat is living in our van now. (We don't own a cat!)
Wednesday morning - Go to get in the van to take the other kids to school and realize that stupid cat peed in our van (specifically in Olivia's seat)...it reeks!!!
Wednesday cont. - take the kids to school (no kid is sitting in the peepee seat - Cassie's just in a regular belt which I hate because I'm a stickler for carseats). I can't get the seat out because it's in so tight. Have to go to Mark's work to get him to take it out. Put Olivia in another seat and take the car to have it detailed. $65 and hours later, the van smells nice again! Of course I'm one carseat short now.
Thursday - Mark goes on a fishing trip with the men's group at church. That night of course Hannah wakes up throwing up. After scrubbing down her room, and then my room (because I thought it would be so smart to bring her in there - remember I'm running low on sleep!) and several loads of laundry, we finally get to sleep.
Friday - Cassie is sent home from school sick. Now I'm home with all 3 sick kids and feel like I'm coming down with it myself. Great. (that was meant to be sarcastic). By late afternoon, I was having to call Mark to come home and help us. My mom was sick with it too at that point and couldn't help. Of course I couldn't reach Mark on his cell so I have to call my friend Julie and get her to call her husband to get Mark to call me. His cell was off because the battery was low. He came home late that night and took really good care of us all the next day.
Saturday - I sleep most of that day. The kids were better by then but I was zonked out!
Sunday - Still sick - Mark puts the floor mats back in the van and we realize they're peed on too. Lovely. Now it's $150 for new floor mats and another $140 for a new car seat...there's no way I'm ever putting my child in the peepee seat ever again!
Monday thru Wednesday - Still have one or more kids home from school running a little fever. Good thing I don't have much of an appetite because I haven't been to the grocery store in over a week and a half.
Wednesday afternoon - We have a bad storm in our area. It ends up being mostly wind but where our house is on the neighborhood lake, it seems like our backyard is a vortex pulling things in and letting them go when it feels like it. Our BACK yard patio umbrella decides to get caught in it (it's open) and I don't realize anything's wrong until I see our umbrella blowing across our FRONT yard like a bullet past our dining room window! I run after it and it takes me like 10 minutes to pull it back to our back yard. I can't get it to close and I have to stand inside it to keep it from blowing away again. I got it under our carport and came inside to call Mark. Shingles were falling from our roof at that point and I wanted him to come home. (My poor husband...he's so patient with me when I'm needy!) While on the phone with him I see the dumb umbrella taking off again this time down the driveway. I ran and caught it in the middle of the street. It knocked me down this time but I finally wrangled it into a wedge between a big sago palm and our fence. It was stuck there until the weather passed and Mark took care of it. Needless to say, we'll need a new umbrella for this spring.
Thursday - it finally looks like we're all well. Cassie has a friend named Kaylee over for a little while after school. Kaylee threw up all that night. I hope Kaylee's mom still likes me!
Friday - This is the first day in 2 weeks that all 3 girls are in school and none are sick!!! Yay!!! I ran a thousand errands and bought lots of groceries.
Now, life's pretty normal again. Still crazy busy but at least we're all healthy and rearing to go!
I'll write more later...the natives are getting resless in the other room. : )
Monday - Olivia's sick at the end of the school day...throws up in her carseat on the way home
Monday afternoon - I clean the carseat while in the van and leave the door open for it to air out and close the door late that night
Tuesday evening - I hadn't used the van all day and Mark asks me when he gets home from work if I realize a cat is living in our van now. (We don't own a cat!)
Wednesday morning - Go to get in the van to take the other kids to school and realize that stupid cat peed in our van (specifically in Olivia's seat)...it reeks!!!
Wednesday cont. - take the kids to school (no kid is sitting in the peepee seat - Cassie's just in a regular belt which I hate because I'm a stickler for carseats). I can't get the seat out because it's in so tight. Have to go to Mark's work to get him to take it out. Put Olivia in another seat and take the car to have it detailed. $65 and hours later, the van smells nice again! Of course I'm one carseat short now.
Thursday - Mark goes on a fishing trip with the men's group at church. That night of course Hannah wakes up throwing up. After scrubbing down her room, and then my room (because I thought it would be so smart to bring her in there - remember I'm running low on sleep!) and several loads of laundry, we finally get to sleep.
Friday - Cassie is sent home from school sick. Now I'm home with all 3 sick kids and feel like I'm coming down with it myself. Great. (that was meant to be sarcastic). By late afternoon, I was having to call Mark to come home and help us. My mom was sick with it too at that point and couldn't help. Of course I couldn't reach Mark on his cell so I have to call my friend Julie and get her to call her husband to get Mark to call me. His cell was off because the battery was low. He came home late that night and took really good care of us all the next day.
Saturday - I sleep most of that day. The kids were better by then but I was zonked out!
Sunday - Still sick - Mark puts the floor mats back in the van and we realize they're peed on too. Lovely. Now it's $150 for new floor mats and another $140 for a new car seat...there's no way I'm ever putting my child in the peepee seat ever again!
Monday thru Wednesday - Still have one or more kids home from school running a little fever. Good thing I don't have much of an appetite because I haven't been to the grocery store in over a week and a half.
Wednesday afternoon - We have a bad storm in our area. It ends up being mostly wind but where our house is on the neighborhood lake, it seems like our backyard is a vortex pulling things in and letting them go when it feels like it. Our BACK yard patio umbrella decides to get caught in it (it's open) and I don't realize anything's wrong until I see our umbrella blowing across our FRONT yard like a bullet past our dining room window! I run after it and it takes me like 10 minutes to pull it back to our back yard. I can't get it to close and I have to stand inside it to keep it from blowing away again. I got it under our carport and came inside to call Mark. Shingles were falling from our roof at that point and I wanted him to come home. (My poor husband...he's so patient with me when I'm needy!) While on the phone with him I see the dumb umbrella taking off again this time down the driveway. I ran and caught it in the middle of the street. It knocked me down this time but I finally wrangled it into a wedge between a big sago palm and our fence. It was stuck there until the weather passed and Mark took care of it. Needless to say, we'll need a new umbrella for this spring.
Thursday - it finally looks like we're all well. Cassie has a friend named Kaylee over for a little while after school. Kaylee threw up all that night. I hope Kaylee's mom still likes me!
Friday - This is the first day in 2 weeks that all 3 girls are in school and none are sick!!! Yay!!! I ran a thousand errands and bought lots of groceries.
Now, life's pretty normal again. Still crazy busy but at least we're all healthy and rearing to go!
I'll write more later...the natives are getting resless in the other room. : )
Five Question Friday
1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
an hour or 2 each day...between bookkeeping, keeping up with our finances, checking email, etc.
2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
Still not sure. My dad paid for mine but it wouldn't have killed me to pay myself. We paid for Mark's as he went until grad school. I want our kids to be responsible but don't want them dragged down by debt before they get started in life. I'll get back to you on this one in 13 years or so. : )
3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
Nothing bad. A few fender benders, but never anything serious. Thanks God! I've been rear ended twice lately with the kids in the van and that was very scary. More so than I even thought it would. There'd be no damage but I'd be so rattled, worried about them.
4. What is your favorite book?
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. My friend Melissa has always told me about this one and I'd never read it until recently. OMG, I know why she loves it now! It was soooo good.
5. Do you make your bed everyday?
Our bed has 2 stages of being made. We have a sheet, quilt, and then comforter. Most days I just make up the sheet and quilt. I only do the comforter and thousand pillows if we're having company over...it's just too much work for just us. : )
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mark's Birthday
My husband, Mark, always went to Pancho's Mexican Buffet for his birthday when he was growing up. We continued the tradition after we got married, but a few years ago, they closed the Pancho's in Baton Rouge. This past year though, they re-opened one in Metairie (about an hour and a half away). We planned to take our girls there and let them experience Mexican food at it's finest. (That's semi-sarcastic as my opinion of Mexican buffet is not very high but Mark loves it so that's good enough for me.) Mark's brother Paul, his wife Brenda, their boys Justin & Timmy, and Mark's oldest friend DJ & his wife Shelly came too. Mark was so excited to celebrate his birthday with us all at his favorite bday spot! Afterward, Paul & Brenda took our girls home with them and Mark & I had a night in a nice hotel nearby. Now I love hotels...LOVE them! Cassie has picked this up from me because she thinks the greatest vacations in the world need to only be at a hotel...doesn't matter where. I just love lounging around, ordering room service and sleeping until I can't sleep anymore with my favorite person in the world...my hubby.
The next morning we went to see an IMAX movie, then walked around the French Quarter for awhile browsing art galleries. Mark is a big art buff. Me? I could really care less, but it made him happy so I stuck it out. Some of the galleries were actually interesting. The FQ still smelled like Mardi Gras though...you know that lovely combo of alcohol, urine and garbage? Guess the area needed more time to air out after the parades earlier last week. But we had fun anyway. I just love spending time with Mark. I wasn't feeling well and was getting in a bad mood so we went ahead and went to Paul & Brenda's to pick up the kids. They'd had a wonderful time with their Aunt B & Uncle Paul. In fact, they didn't want to leave! If something startled them, they'd run right past me and jump in Aunt B's lap. If I started to feel offended for a minute, it passed quickly as I realized that they'd just spend their first night away from home and me & Mark and had a great time!
Now I wonder if Nana will let them all stay overnight at her house next weekend?! Just a thought. Ha ha~!
The next morning we went to see an IMAX movie, then walked around the French Quarter for awhile browsing art galleries. Mark is a big art buff. Me? I could really care less, but it made him happy so I stuck it out. Some of the galleries were actually interesting. The FQ still smelled like Mardi Gras though...you know that lovely combo of alcohol, urine and garbage? Guess the area needed more time to air out after the parades earlier last week. But we had fun anyway. I just love spending time with Mark. I wasn't feeling well and was getting in a bad mood so we went ahead and went to Paul & Brenda's to pick up the kids. They'd had a wonderful time with their Aunt B & Uncle Paul. In fact, they didn't want to leave! If something startled them, they'd run right past me and jump in Aunt B's lap. If I started to feel offended for a minute, it passed quickly as I realized that they'd just spend their first night away from home and me & Mark and had a great time!
Now I wonder if Nana will let them all stay overnight at her house next weekend?! Just a thought. Ha ha~!
Have you ever...
Have you ever seen someone do something and later wish you'd reacted differently? The other day my husband (Mark) and I had an afternoon date. We went to a movie by the mall and then shopped for awhile. When we were pulling out of the parking lot, the car in front of us stopped abruptly. The driver reached over and began choking the passenger. And I don't mean playing. There was some serious thrashing going on. My instinct was to reach over and honk our horn long and loud just to make them stop. When I did, they stopped and took off. It really shook me up! I couldn't tell if the driver was a man or woman...just that they were bigger than the passenger. The passenger could have been a woman or an older child. I didn't get the license plate and then I was kicking myself later for not getting it. I was so worried that the passenger was being abused and instead of doing something to help, like get the plate # and call the police, I just panicked and honked the horn, just wanting it to stop. Lord, please protect them! Anyway, just pray for them if you think about this story later.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I can hardly believe that the Saints won the Super Bowl!!!!! Wow! What a great game. I'm not a huge football fan but this season I've really gotten into it. Of course, that's easy to do when your team is winning. Mark & I woke Olivia up with our excitement over the win (plus the fireworks going off all around us). Mark went in the nursery and picked her up and tried to dance around with her saying "WE WON" but she wasn't happy about it. Now someone's driving around the neighborhood honking their horn and hollering out of their window. If it's this exciting in Watson, I bet it's WILD in New Orleans tonight. WHO DAT!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saints in the Super Bowl?!?!?!
I must say, normally I don't care one iota about football. I mean, if I'm at someone's house and we're watching a game, I'll certainly root for the right team, but if they don't win, I really don't care. But today's Saints game was really the first outcome that I've cared about. Like I was nervous that they'd lose and I'd be sad. Funny huh? I'm still not a huge football fan or anything but I guess I'm starting to see the point of the craze behind the game. If I felt nervous, how do REAL fans feel? Anyway, this will probably be the first Super Bowl I'll really care about too. Now I can't wait!! Yay Saints!!!
We've had a great past few days. Mark & I took a trip to Shreveport together. He had a class he had to go to for work and I went along for the ride. Mom kept the girls so we had a little getaway. I know Shreveport certainly isn't the most romantic destination, but we had a WONDERFUL time! Friday while Mark went to his class, I slept in, watched a pay-per-view movie in bed then took the hotel shuttle to the nearby outlet mall. I spent most of the day there until Mark's class was done. I've never spent so much time by myself at a mall...it was great! I LOVE shopping! Then Mark & I went out to eat and walked around some. The area we were staying in was really pretty...I think it's called the Red River District. We both slept really late on Saturday morning and then drove home. So not very eventful but it was so wonderful to reconnect with my hubby. Sometimes it's like we only get to talk to each other about necessary logistics for the week with our schedules and kids competing for our attention. I loved being able to just be with Mark and spend uninterruped & unrushed time with him. He's my favorite!
Then today we had the Brumfields over for dinner and to watch the game. Our girls had a blast playing with their kids and Mark & I enjoyed having friends over. Alexis is such a sweetie and I'm really having fun getting to know her better. We're on the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) steering team together and she's such an inspiration to me. The more I learn about her, the more I'm encouraged by how real she is & her love of the Word. Although she'd probably be thoroughly embarrassed to see that she's being blogged about! At least there aren't any funny pictures, Alexis! : )
Cassie was upset until she fell asleep that the Brumfield kids had to go home. It's like anytime a friend comes over, she wants them to just move in. Ha ha! That's all for now...
We've had a great past few days. Mark & I took a trip to Shreveport together. He had a class he had to go to for work and I went along for the ride. Mom kept the girls so we had a little getaway. I know Shreveport certainly isn't the most romantic destination, but we had a WONDERFUL time! Friday while Mark went to his class, I slept in, watched a pay-per-view movie in bed then took the hotel shuttle to the nearby outlet mall. I spent most of the day there until Mark's class was done. I've never spent so much time by myself at a mall...it was great! I LOVE shopping! Then Mark & I went out to eat and walked around some. The area we were staying in was really pretty...I think it's called the Red River District. We both slept really late on Saturday morning and then drove home. So not very eventful but it was so wonderful to reconnect with my hubby. Sometimes it's like we only get to talk to each other about necessary logistics for the week with our schedules and kids competing for our attention. I loved being able to just be with Mark and spend uninterruped & unrushed time with him. He's my favorite!
Then today we had the Brumfields over for dinner and to watch the game. Our girls had a blast playing with their kids and Mark & I enjoyed having friends over. Alexis is such a sweetie and I'm really having fun getting to know her better. We're on the MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) steering team together and she's such an inspiration to me. The more I learn about her, the more I'm encouraged by how real she is & her love of the Word. Although she'd probably be thoroughly embarrassed to see that she's being blogged about! At least there aren't any funny pictures, Alexis! : )
Cassie was upset until she fell asleep that the Brumfield kids had to go home. It's like anytime a friend comes over, she wants them to just move in. Ha ha! That's all for now...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday Stealing
Okay I don't know how to "link up" that you're supposed to with these surveys so I'll just do them and maybe one day Melissa can teach me what I'm supposed to do. : )
Do you get regular massages?
I wish! Actually Mark got me a certificate for a spa day for Christmas, so I'll get a really good one when I schedule that. I hope I can break my day up into to mini spa days and really stretch it out.
Do you have an answering machine?
Yes, leave a message at the beep
What cuss word do you use the most?
Uuuuggggghhhh (imagine that being grunted in frustation). It's the worst I can do, kiddos are listening and copying.
Are you underweight or overweight?
Can you see your veins?
Any of the foaming kinds
bananas or pineapples
Kind of red meat?
catfish or tilapia
Candy bar?
Have You Ever…
Eaten a whole bag of potato chips?
Eaten lobster?
Yes, but I didn't like it.
Climbed a mountain?
some very small ones, big hills?
Been skydiving?
No, don't want to do that. But I'd love to go parasailing!
Been water skiing?
No, just tubing
Do You…
Wish you could change something about your life?
Who doesn't? My weight, grow deeper in God...of course I can do things about that and I'm working on it.
Like your nose?
I like my nose just fine thank you.
Like salt and vinegar chips?
No, yuck
Eat salsa?
Own a boat?
What Is…
A small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences?
texting while driving!!
Your most macho trait?
Macho? I have no idea. Maybe that I like to try to fix peoples' problems sometimes instead of just listening. I need to be a better listener.
The longest relationship you’ve ever had?
married almost 8 years to my hubby Mark, we were engaged for 9 months before that, and dated 9 months before that. Wow! We've been together a LONG time now.
Your most embarrassing thoughts?
If they're so embarrassing, why would I write them here?!
Your most shameful moment?
The one that comes to mind first is kind of different. It's not what I did do but what I didn't do. When my father-in-law was sick in the hospital and we knew he didn't have much time left, I really wanted to tell him how much I loved him and thank him for raising such a great family and including me in it. But I didn't want to say that out loud, like it would be saying goodbye. Or like I didn't believe he could get better...like I'd be giving up on him. I didn't say it that day and the next morning he died. I never got to. I've felt really ashamed that I didn't just say what was in my heart while I had the chance.
crayons - no permanent marks
Jelly/Cream Cheese?
jelly on toast, cream cheese on a bagel
Ha ha, depends on my mood. Normally a bagel.
My greatest weakness is…
I'm always late! I don't normally make new years resolutions, but this year mine is to be a good example to my kids by being punctual. Maybe by making it about my kids, I'll be more motivated. I've been doing better!
I wish I was…
a better listener
Three things I wouldn’t do for a million dollars are…
Oh man, I just said this about something the other day and I can't remember what it was...
The oddest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth is…
Fried cricket...yes it was weird, yes I could feel the legs in my mouth as I chewed, yes it was gross but it was offered by my host on a mission trip. I couldn't say no.
Credit card you had?
A visa with my credit union...still have it!
Loan you got was for?
My first car - Honda Civic...still have that too.
Paycheck was for how much?
No idea, but I was working for aftercare for a daycare center so I'm sure it was very small.
Time you had stitches?
First and only time was when I had my C-section with the twins
Time you went to the hospital for something?
I don't know as a little kid, but I went as a teenager after a mission trip with salmonella...not fun. And no, it was not the same trip as the cricket!
List everything you ate in the last 24 hours?
chilli, king cake, cereal, milk, oranges, etc...
Last thing you used a credit card for?
clothes shopping with my hubby yesterday - we pay it off each month
What was your job previous to the one you have now?
Director of Finance at Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs, sounds more impressive than it is
Last thing you celebrated?
Date day! Yesterday a family friend (Ms. Edye) came and stayed with the kids so Mark & I could go spend time together. We called it "Date Day". We went to the shooting range (Mark got a new handgun and wanted to teach me how to use it), then we ate at McAlisters (yum), then we went to a movie (The Spy Next Door - sooo cute!), then we went shopping for a while. What a great Date Day!!
Last time you were at a sports bar?
Don't know that I've ever been to one.
Do you get regular massages?
I wish! Actually Mark got me a certificate for a spa day for Christmas, so I'll get a really good one when I schedule that. I hope I can break my day up into to mini spa days and really stretch it out.
Do you have an answering machine?
Yes, leave a message at the beep
What cuss word do you use the most?
Uuuuggggghhhh (imagine that being grunted in frustation). It's the worst I can do, kiddos are listening and copying.
Are you underweight or overweight?
Can you see your veins?
Any of the foaming kinds
bananas or pineapples
Kind of red meat?
catfish or tilapia
Candy bar?
Have You Ever…
Eaten a whole bag of potato chips?
Eaten lobster?
Yes, but I didn't like it.
Climbed a mountain?
some very small ones, big hills?
Been skydiving?
No, don't want to do that. But I'd love to go parasailing!
Been water skiing?
No, just tubing
Do You…
Wish you could change something about your life?
Who doesn't? My weight, grow deeper in God...of course I can do things about that and I'm working on it.
Like your nose?
I like my nose just fine thank you.
Like salt and vinegar chips?
No, yuck
Eat salsa?
Own a boat?
What Is…
A small thing that people let slide but that actually has dire consequences?
texting while driving!!
Your most macho trait?
Macho? I have no idea. Maybe that I like to try to fix peoples' problems sometimes instead of just listening. I need to be a better listener.
The longest relationship you’ve ever had?
married almost 8 years to my hubby Mark, we were engaged for 9 months before that, and dated 9 months before that. Wow! We've been together a LONG time now.
Your most embarrassing thoughts?
If they're so embarrassing, why would I write them here?!
Your most shameful moment?
The one that comes to mind first is kind of different. It's not what I did do but what I didn't do. When my father-in-law was sick in the hospital and we knew he didn't have much time left, I really wanted to tell him how much I loved him and thank him for raising such a great family and including me in it. But I didn't want to say that out loud, like it would be saying goodbye. Or like I didn't believe he could get better...like I'd be giving up on him. I didn't say it that day and the next morning he died. I never got to. I've felt really ashamed that I didn't just say what was in my heart while I had the chance.
crayons - no permanent marks
Jelly/Cream Cheese?
jelly on toast, cream cheese on a bagel
Ha ha, depends on my mood. Normally a bagel.
My greatest weakness is…
I'm always late! I don't normally make new years resolutions, but this year mine is to be a good example to my kids by being punctual. Maybe by making it about my kids, I'll be more motivated. I've been doing better!
I wish I was…
a better listener
Three things I wouldn’t do for a million dollars are…
Oh man, I just said this about something the other day and I can't remember what it was...
The oddest thing I’ve ever put in my mouth is…
Fried cricket...yes it was weird, yes I could feel the legs in my mouth as I chewed, yes it was gross but it was offered by my host on a mission trip. I couldn't say no.
Credit card you had?
A visa with my credit union...still have it!
Loan you got was for?
My first car - Honda Civic...still have that too.
Paycheck was for how much?
No idea, but I was working for aftercare for a daycare center so I'm sure it was very small.
Time you had stitches?
First and only time was when I had my C-section with the twins
Time you went to the hospital for something?
I don't know as a little kid, but I went as a teenager after a mission trip with salmonella...not fun. And no, it was not the same trip as the cricket!
List everything you ate in the last 24 hours?
chilli, king cake, cereal, milk, oranges, etc...
Last thing you used a credit card for?
clothes shopping with my hubby yesterday - we pay it off each month
What was your job previous to the one you have now?
Director of Finance at Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs, sounds more impressive than it is
Last thing you celebrated?
Date day! Yesterday a family friend (Ms. Edye) came and stayed with the kids so Mark & I could go spend time together. We called it "Date Day". We went to the shooting range (Mark got a new handgun and wanted to teach me how to use it), then we ate at McAlisters (yum), then we went to a movie (The Spy Next Door - sooo cute!), then we went shopping for a while. What a great Date Day!!
Last time you were at a sports bar?
Don't know that I've ever been to one.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Bible Study
Okay, so we have this ladies Bible study at our church that meets on Thursday mornings. I've never gone to it because I was already so busy with my life and I've gotten pretty good at saying no to extra stuff in my family's schedule. But this latest study that started yesterday...for some reason I just felt like I should go. I've felt like I couldn't because I only have Tuesdays and Thursdays when Cassie is at school and I can give the babies my full attention without competing with big sister. (They're all in school, or mother's day out, on MWF's.) But this time I wanted to go. I'm just so starved to get into the Word again. It's so hard to motivate myself to do much more than a 5 minute devotional on my own and I can't even remember what that was about an hour later. I need focus. I need accountability. And for some reason that didn't hit me until Wednesday night. A friend, Jennifer, had called and invited me and that got me thinking.
I was afriad too. That if I started going to the Bible study that I'd feel like I had to keep going forever. I've had church experiences before that expected that and I guess my fear is a remnant of that too. I fought myself going Thursday morning until I was in my car with the babies on my way to the study. I would think, "I could just keep driving and go walk the mall with the kids for awhile" but then my car took me in the direction of the church. This was so out of my comfort zone...maybe because there are so many ladies at this study that I don't know, most of whom are older and I just wasn't sure I'd fit in. Maybe because I was scared of taking on another commitment or not spending that time with the twins. But then it hit me that it's better for my girls to have a mom spending quality time in the Word on a regular basis and being that example for them, than it is to spend a couple more hours playing with them. Not that the playing isn't important, but I need to be the best Mom I can be and that's what's really best for them, right?
So I don't know if I'll be going to this study long-term or not, but I've gotta give it a shot. I want to grow deeper in my walk with Jesus. I need to fill up so I can pour out. Thanks, Jennifer, for inviting me. It was so sweet of you and made a big difference to me. Plus when I got there, I felt so welcomed and I think I'm gonna really like it.
I was afriad too. That if I started going to the Bible study that I'd feel like I had to keep going forever. I've had church experiences before that expected that and I guess my fear is a remnant of that too. I fought myself going Thursday morning until I was in my car with the babies on my way to the study. I would think, "I could just keep driving and go walk the mall with the kids for awhile" but then my car took me in the direction of the church. This was so out of my comfort zone...maybe because there are so many ladies at this study that I don't know, most of whom are older and I just wasn't sure I'd fit in. Maybe because I was scared of taking on another commitment or not spending that time with the twins. But then it hit me that it's better for my girls to have a mom spending quality time in the Word on a regular basis and being that example for them, than it is to spend a couple more hours playing with them. Not that the playing isn't important, but I need to be the best Mom I can be and that's what's really best for them, right?
So I don't know if I'll be going to this study long-term or not, but I've gotta give it a shot. I want to grow deeper in my walk with Jesus. I need to fill up so I can pour out. Thanks, Jennifer, for inviting me. It was so sweet of you and made a big difference to me. Plus when I got there, I felt so welcomed and I think I'm gonna really like it.
Okay, I'm in...
I figured I'd try one of these Five Question Fridays, for lack of anything else to blog. : )
1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Probably the biggest thing I ever got into trouble for was staying out WAY past my curfew with a boy. Nothing happened, we honestly were just talking. But when I got home I got the wrath of my mom that I didn't know existed! I was probably grounded for a year after that.
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I used to be a morning person in college. Just ask my BFF Melissa...we used to be roomies and share a bathroom. She'd get up and grunt and I'd be happily telling a story about the day before or something. She was very kind to only grunt at me until I got the picture and merely started saying Good Morning.
Now I'm more of a night person. After our girls are in bed, that's my time. To spend time with my hubby or get stuff done around the house...projects that just can't be done with 3 little girls battling for my attention. Of course that makes me less lovable in the morning but I'm working on a balance.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
One handed. I'm not a very good texter. I'd rather just make a phone call and get my questions answered. It takes less time for me. But I do text occasionally.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
Republican on the conservative side.
5. Are you a pet person?
No and that's a solid no. : ) I used to have pets growing up...dogs, cats, even rabbits and I loved them. But I have bad animal allergies and once they all moved to that big farm in the sky and I got used to not having pets around, my allergies got so much better! When I'm around animals now (espicially cats) my allergies act up so bad. Which is a shame because I really love cats...they're low maintenance but still loving. Plus I have a husband, 3 kiddos, and a house to take care of. I can't handle a pet too right now. I've resigned myself to the idea of having one some day when the kids are bigger. Mark really wants one and I'm sure the girls will too one day.
1. Worst trouble you ever got into as a teenager?
Probably the biggest thing I ever got into trouble for was staying out WAY past my curfew with a boy. Nothing happened, we honestly were just talking. But when I got home I got the wrath of my mom that I didn't know existed! I was probably grounded for a year after that.
2. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I used to be a morning person in college. Just ask my BFF Melissa...we used to be roomies and share a bathroom. She'd get up and grunt and I'd be happily telling a story about the day before or something. She was very kind to only grunt at me until I got the picture and merely started saying Good Morning.
Now I'm more of a night person. After our girls are in bed, that's my time. To spend time with my hubby or get stuff done around the house...projects that just can't be done with 3 little girls battling for my attention. Of course that makes me less lovable in the morning but I'm working on a balance.
3. Are you a one-handed or a two-handed Texter?
One handed. I'm not a very good texter. I'd rather just make a phone call and get my questions answered. It takes less time for me. But I do text occasionally.
4. Democrat, Republican, or Independent..or maybe even Green Party (whatever that is).
Republican on the conservative side.
5. Are you a pet person?
No and that's a solid no. : ) I used to have pets growing up...dogs, cats, even rabbits and I loved them. But I have bad animal allergies and once they all moved to that big farm in the sky and I got used to not having pets around, my allergies got so much better! When I'm around animals now (espicially cats) my allergies act up so bad. Which is a shame because I really love cats...they're low maintenance but still loving. Plus I have a husband, 3 kiddos, and a house to take care of. I can't handle a pet too right now. I've resigned myself to the idea of having one some day when the kids are bigger. Mark really wants one and I'm sure the girls will too one day.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I've always thought that people who didn't have their pipes wrapped correctly and got burst pipes just didn't care about their property. Well, apparently we're those people. We thought they were wrapped well, but it looks like it wasn't enough.
When we woke up this morning we had no water. Mark looked around outside and everything looked fine. We called the water company and they said it was an area outage and the water would be back on in a few hours. Well, we decided to spend the day shopping as a family and when we got home at about 4pm, we saw a fountain springing up from the side of our house! Our poorly wrapped pipe lost the battle to the cold. I guess when they turned the water back on the damage was then obvious. And here it was, Saturday evening. NOW we need a plumber...not the best time. We got on the phone and all the plumbers were busy fixing people's pipes that had given up too. :( I kept calling people and finally found a plumber! Yay! He's Jacob at Jacob's Plumbing...great guy. I happened to catch him at the end of his last call of the day and he came right over and fixed it quickly. We highly recommend him. :)
On another note, my favorite moment of the day came when I was putting the twins to bed tonight. We always say bedtime prayers with all 3 girls in the babies' room with me & Mark. Then I read to the babies and Mark takes Cassie in her room and reads to her, then it's lights out. Tonight after reading and turning off the lights, I just rocked the babies for awhile. We sang a couple of songs and then they both laid their heads on my shoulders (believe me, they're a lap-full now). I was telling them that I loved them and then I asked Hannah if she loves Olivia. She sat up and leaned over and kissed Olivia on the cheek. Then Livy did the same back to Hannah, then they kissed each other at the same time. It was sooooo cute! I could just eat them up!!!
When we woke up this morning we had no water. Mark looked around outside and everything looked fine. We called the water company and they said it was an area outage and the water would be back on in a few hours. Well, we decided to spend the day shopping as a family and when we got home at about 4pm, we saw a fountain springing up from the side of our house! Our poorly wrapped pipe lost the battle to the cold. I guess when they turned the water back on the damage was then obvious. And here it was, Saturday evening. NOW we need a plumber...not the best time. We got on the phone and all the plumbers were busy fixing people's pipes that had given up too. :( I kept calling people and finally found a plumber! Yay! He's Jacob at Jacob's Plumbing...great guy. I happened to catch him at the end of his last call of the day and he came right over and fixed it quickly. We highly recommend him. :)
On another note, my favorite moment of the day came when I was putting the twins to bed tonight. We always say bedtime prayers with all 3 girls in the babies' room with me & Mark. Then I read to the babies and Mark takes Cassie in her room and reads to her, then it's lights out. Tonight after reading and turning off the lights, I just rocked the babies for awhile. We sang a couple of songs and then they both laid their heads on my shoulders (believe me, they're a lap-full now). I was telling them that I loved them and then I asked Hannah if she loves Olivia. She sat up and leaned over and kissed Olivia on the cheek. Then Livy did the same back to Hannah, then they kissed each other at the same time. It was sooooo cute! I could just eat them up!!!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ice Skating
Today when I picked Cassie up from school (she's in K-4 at Greenwell Springs Baptist), I was trying to explain to her why there isn't going to be school tomorrow. I told her it was going to be super cold tonight and the roads might ice over. Of course she just asked what "iced over" was. I told her the ice makes the roads slippery and cars could slide around and get in wrecks and we don't want that. Her response was "Well, I guess we'll just have to skate to school tomorrow. Too bad I don't know how to skate." That was really hard not to laugh at out loud!
Look at me! I'm blogging!
I figured it was about time I started blogging. So many of my friends are doing this now and sometimes I'd like to share what's going on in my life too. : ) Yes, it's the middle of the night. Yes, I'm tired. But I've been wanting to do this and the night time is my time, ya know? Anyway, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy it.
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